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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Magpies?? Rabbits?? Snakes?? Lizards?? Echidnas?? well we get all of the above & tonight we had a visit from a Wallaby,he was looking for water in our pond.The pic is a bit blurred but he's cute hey??
  2. Thanks for your good wishes guys but it's not my Birthday until the 13th feb!! you were reading the posts from last year !faint! that's ok it's an age thing,now you won't have to bother when it is my birthday!
  3. Alan lived in the Meadows & went to Trent Bridge school, he also worked on the boats on the Trent, anyone know of his whereabouts?? my partner would love to hear from him.
  4. Now I've heard everything, more money than sense some people.
  5. Hey Red I want to be in on that one, sounds like a right rave !!
  6. Good to hear you are doing ok Den. Not familiar with those songs BIP. I'm not sure what I would choose gives me something to think about though.
  7. A sense of humour??? ha ha no only kidding Sunshine B)
  8. A special day for all Australians,myself included. Lots of celebrating today,plenty of grog & barbies. Happy Australia Day to all Ozzies everywhere!!!! Caz
  9. I was chatting to someone recently [someone who shall remain nameless] & when asked where they were born they are too embarassed to say "The meadows" they tell a porky & say "Trent Bridge"!! I think it's very funny,I always tell people where i'm from if they ask,in fact over here it's a bit of a novelty if you tell the locals you were from a 2 up 2 down slum area!!!! Any members too embaressed to say where they originate from?? !rotfl!
  10. Yeah i was having a look at that pic last night it definately looks like that to me,walked down there many many times as a young girl when i lived in the meadows.
  11. It's not working for me Den, but if that's what it takes go for it!! but........pigs trotters & pigs chitterlings now you are talking ,yummo. Dont get the chitterlings here but the trotters yes. Any of you boys remember how we gals were scoffed at last year for posting recipes Ha Ha !! boot on the other foot now me ducks! must be because you are all SNAGS & have to contribute to the share of cooking hey? B)
  12. Happy Birthday Jen hope it's a good day for you. Haven't seen you on here for a while come back we miss you!! !congrats!
  13. When did you last get your cholestorol checked BIP?? sounds revolting i'll just go & eat my belly pork ribs & not think about how bad they are for me hungry
  14. Caz


    We are using AVG too, seems good. Norton /Symantec was a pain in the fundaments
  15. flyswat Didnt make it again, I asked the local Innkeeper at Omeo how far away it was & he said at least 17 kms, well as I was working I decided 17kms was too far to go, so missed out again,but they did reckon the wine was good so must make a special effort next time Dugh!! Where did you get the old map Den?? the place we live is right off the map !! By the way Ayup forgot to ask how you & your cousin eneded up living in Oz,did you migrate together??
  16. I can see exactly whilst he is in 2nd rate venues laughing
  17. We are off to Omeo tomorrow will try & see if we can pop in, not sure how pressed for time we will be though I will let you know tomorrow Ayup.
  18. That is definately not Rolf Harris,but I can't for the life of me remember his name,he did a great impersonation of Rolf though.
  19. How could it be anywhere else but Haydn Road Sherwood Mick?? unless someone knows otherwise?
  20. Yeah I remember this pub very well, I lived on Heathfield Estate at the time so regularly walked by it when I took my son to Whitemoor Nursery. It was called The Shoulder of Mutton at the time & went on to be called Windmill bar whilst I was still there. I lived in the area from 1977 to 1989 & saw a few changes, it was indeed a Mcdonalds the last time I visited Nottm.
  21. No sugar coating for me Den, be as blunt as you like love. Weather still bloody hot,took the dog for a walk in the bush tonight at 7.30 & nearly killed him in the process poor bu99er. Had to get the fan & wet towels out poor baby. Looks like it might rain a little tonight which would be great, we have a dust storm every time we drive up to the house. I promise not to whinge about the winter again !faint!
  22. Hi Guys Back from Christmas/New year & holidaying with eldest son from Nottingham.How have you all been? I trust you all had a good crimbo & New Year? Ours was good. Still feels like crimbo to me,hot weather too much food & drink you know where i'm coming from!! Must get back to the gym this week i think im porking up me duck !situp! Yes Mick I agree Christmas isn't the same when it's 90 deg!! Our Christmas was cool, we went to a place not far from Ballarat & it's nearly always cooler than anywhere else,they even get snow in the winter. But since coming back to Bright [wher