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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Probably 3 months,maybe more you should have a guide on the door of the freezer
  2. I'm definately a stuffer Den, can't beat a good stuffing
  3. Ha ha ha Den. Can't see a problem with showing Mick in his glory, after all, the male form is a sight to behold when it's as good as that PS. Mick says I can do what I want so THERE!!!!! !rulez!
  4. K........... well apart from the fact that he's extremely good looking he is also a perfect gentleman & a friend to many & as we know he isn't around to keep an eye on us, so how come he is always on bloody holiday,must be getting paid too much what d'ya reckon Ilko? I have wanted to post this pic of Mick for ages, the time was never right. It was taken during one of his reviews,Mick is the one with the tats,pretty cool yeah??
  5. Mince pies made,presents wrapped,cupboards full of grog,whats the thing you always leave until the last minute at Christmas? !cheers!
  6. Hey you lot are you doing anything I need to worry about?? Mick asked me to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't get up to mischief so lets post lots of subjects to keep him happy whilst he is living it up in L.A. Cazza
  7. Mmmm urghhh it,s an old cowboy from way back Ilks
  8. Sorry guys havent logged in until now, yep it's the Rockin' Berries & I think Toots got it first?
  9. Lol! !rotfl! you plonker Ilko
  10. Yes Ilko it is one of them,but which one?
  11. Mmm, A little clue there,could it be Rasputin Scoots??
  12. Nope not the Swinging Blue Jeans. here's my clue Ilko, they are a little fruity
  13. Hey hang on Mick2me,he's not from Southend,he's from Burke st in Melbourne I would recognise that tram anywhere!!
  14. Because no one else can be a***d to have a go thats why me old duck
  15. Theres also an Elvis impersonator in me i've had the dubious pleasure of watching him sing on the Karaoke night. bored
  16. Just heard that ITV have paid 120 million quid for FR. Wonder how that will affect the subscription fees, bet they go up ........anyone want to have a bet on it? ha ha thought not!!
  17. Caz

    Ey Up !

    Ey yowth ode on a bit, summovuz ave wok ta do me duck
  18. He was going to be my next choice Mick !bravo!
  19. Yeah that place is an icon Ann. When my son was a young apprentice electrician, he & has boss couldn't start the day without a fry up from there
  20. Yeah i'm with Tuts on this one