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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Laurel Aitken the "Godfather of Ska" passed away sunday, he was 78, not a bad age. Just goes to show what good music does for the body & soul. He was a favourite of British skinheads who embraced Ska music , as did Madness, The Specials & Bad Manners. Even UB 40 recorded a song he had written "Guilty" which was released last year on their album "Labour Of Love Live At The Ska Club" RIP
  2. Yeah I reckon he might be Phsychotic, is that right or did I mean Phsychic???? I have an excuse for being crazy Im taking chinese herbs what's Ilko's excuse crazy Hello Den Kiss Hello Ilko Kiss
  3. No Ilko you dont have spies they are fly fishing remember love? have a lovely safe holiday, look forward to chatting when you get back Friends
  4. Yes Dennis it did start off with "Medicines from my Childhood" but we digressed, we are allowed to arent we?? anyway it's all about Nottstalgia after all, you've just got the hump cuz you can't add your own funny pics Tee Hee!! Friends
  5. That's your fault Smiffy, now look what you've gone & done Fool :lol:
  6. It's no good Daphne, your pleading & protestations are falling on deaf ears my dear Kiss Ilko was here before you & Divinia for that matter,& as I'm a red blooded woman I much prefer to hear Ilko's rantings than yours. I think it's about time you both retired to the Lake District for a spot of fly fishing & Devonshire teas & leave Ilko to air his opinions on his own sorry
  7. Aaaaah the Nottstalgia of it all. I can smell the bonfire toffee as i type yummo! As for the brown sticky stuff, my mum used to make me have that Sunday nights after a hot bath in front of the fire it was revolting,it smelt of greasy overalls.And then to make matters worse, we were given Syrup of Figs,& then we had vinegar combed through our hair to keep away the nits Shock oh the good old days !!?? And as for Caramac, we went to a place called Beechworth here in North East Victoria & went into a sweet shop which sells lollies[sweets] from all over the world & we bought a Caram
  8. Does anyone remember the medicine our mums gave us when we had a belly ache? it was called Indian Brandy. I can remember it's sweet taste & the smell. Not sure whether it helped or not. Do any of you guys know if it actually had any Brandy in it or was it just pretend? I also remember Beechams powders can you still get them in the UK?
  9. G'day Ilko :D Was Peregrine local ?? you are having a larff my son
  10. Yippee!!! Good old Mick2me he knows how to sort these things out. Gawd didnt realise how much I enjoyed reading all the C*** on here!! :lol: Yeah Den ive lost a few postings mesen!
  11. And it's not Queensland either
  12. Anyone else want to have a shot before I do??
  13. Another clue: it's not mist
  14. Gosh even I'm surprised I guessed that correctly. Once I knew it was Brazil it was just having to decide which waterfall it was,a lucky guess BIP. Do I get another turn now or is it someone else's go??
  15. Hi Den Could it be the Iguaca Falls or am I way off target??
  16. How long are driving licences issued for in the UK?? I have mine but as I can't yet find it at the moment, I just wondered if I have to renew it if I want to hire a car next time we visit the UK, which isn't in the foreseeable future but I want to be prepared.
  17. South you say? how about Brazil?
  18. Didn't I already guess that was you??
  19. Definately not Heards Island Mate
  20. As Toots & myself are mulling over your pic BIP have a look at this & see if you can guess where this was taken ?? You don't have to reveal the answer straight away,you can wait until yours has been solved :D
  21. You my lovely are the little monster on the front row, directly in front of the vicars leg, on the right hand side as we look at the pic
  22. If I was really desperate to make this tart kas would the liquid butter essence be an integral part of the recipe?? maybe if I just used butter in the ingredients it would suffice....what do you think??
  23. Am I close in location ?? if not can you give me another clue please