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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Don't get carried away Den, Mick made it too easy!!! :lol:
  2. What a choice hey?? hope you chose John Smith's. Is it my turn now
  3. Hi Bamber You mention Steve Greatorex,would he be related to Richard??
  4. Has to be horse racing,but I don't remember which particular race was taking place on the day
  5. Thanks for reminding me about the mines BIP I won't worry too much I'll be more worried about sea sickness We are sailing from Port Melbourne,then to Noumea, Lifou, onto Mystery Island Vanuatu,Vila & Isle of Pines New Caledonia, then home. Will be ready for a holiday by October,so we are looking forward to it,all that food & Cabaret [which I hate] but i'm sure there will be plenty to keep us amused :D As for you coming too,don't think we can find a grass skirt big enough lol :lol:
  6. Can't get away on a holiday until October,but when we do we are going on a cruise to Vanuatu.
  7. Havent just gotten used to it Bip, just never bothered using it, you should see what I can do with Publisher!!
  8. Yes don't be so presumptious you little devil
  9. Yeah me too Angel, iv'e heard about the early 60's from BIP & Mick but can't remember much myself on account of being so young
  10. Dennis it's not that I don't want to play it's just that my flabber has never been so gasted. I have outlined who I think it may be just in case I confused you
  11. The balls in your court lads!!??
  12. My god that sounds expensive. I just bought a bottle of Michelini Merlot very nice, for $9.99 today & it's a dollar more than last week!! so not sure how that would work but maybe about 4 quid?? we had a few bottles of Chilean red when we holidayed a few years ago,that wasn't bad, I think it was about a fiver then??
  13. This is my 3rd & final guess. I think you are the boy on the 2nd row in front of the vicar, on his right hand side as we look at the pic??
  14. They did that to take attention away from their sweaty feet yuk!!!
  15. Why because you smell of garlic??? lol :lol:
  16. Of course I'll never give up on you Bip never!!!
  17. That was Very funny Bob, I'm still chuckling & I suppose you can't eat lamb to this day
  18. What do they charge for a bottle of Aussie red Dicko?? just out of interest. I can get a nice red for about 8/10 bucks
  19. Hi Dicko sounds bliss,drinking red wine in an Irish pub in Brittany,does it get any better?? I love Red wine but it doesn't like me very much,it has taken me ages to find a red I can drink without it giving me a headache from hell. I was just reading in the International Express that english folks are drinking a massive amount of Aussie red wine in preference to French. About 38% of red wine drunk in the UK is Australian, anyone tried the Aussie stuff??? it's good.
  20. I've searched & searched & still can't find that pic of you in your cowboy suit,so i'll just have to leave the guessing to someone else BIP
  21. OK, back row 3rd from the end next to the lady who I assume is your mum??
  22. I know which one you are . Second row on the end in front of the lad with glasses am I right Mr Picasso?? And yes I did spot the spelling mistake
  23. Well Mick I was just going to say it couldn't be them as it was too long ago. But on reading their advert it say's they have been taking photo's for over 30 years,so it may well have been them!!