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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Any of you guys tried Tofu? if you cook it with snow peas,spring onions,carrots,broccoli,& a bit of garlic, it tastes just like chicken...............yeah like **** it does!! it tastes like Tofu trust me :o
  2. Hi Dicko Any luck with selling your house?? we havent had anyone to look at ours either,only just put it back on the market though. Just heard that apart from USA, Australia is the next most expensive country to buy a house
  3. nooo I forgot all about that, I really must one day when we aren't in so much of a rush. We go to Omeo about once a month we have machines in the Hilltop Hotel do you know it?? What's your Surname?? Don't want to drop in there & introduce myself then can't remember your name!!
  4. Went to Omeo last week, it's very dry & brown, we really need some rain over here. This part of the country is changing weather wise, well it has this year, been very humid,we had a late summer & we just can't seem to get rid of it. Not too long until the Ski season, be interesting to see what it's going to be like. I should send a pic of the trees outside our house, they think it's Autumn & are shedding their leaves rapidly, but today was quite warm again. Strange very strange.
  5. Yeah I wondered what the space was for too,if you need a pic to fill it BIP, Ill send one of me sen duck Sorry Ayup never heard of the Funk Brothers
  6. Yeah you still hear it but it's a bit old hat nowadays. Usually used by the larrikin sort of a bloke well at least they think they are larrikins <_< Hows the weather over there Ayup ?? It's absolutely bliss over this end, we are having the warmest Autumn, i'm sweating & only just raked a few leaves up!!
  7. I've tried that, they work quite well & I don't think they were very expensive
  8. Hi Vanessa Don't think the sheila bit is still used is it?? not very much anyway thank god. We still call beer in bottles stubbies,but only the guys, we ladies drink out of glasses don't we :D
  9. Caz


    Well that is weird, my partner who is dyslexic could read every word,isnt that strange?? I had a problem with a couple of words but the rest was ok.
  10. I'm very B****y confused now Ok #4Peaches/ice cream/raspberries ive exhausted all avenues now!! #9 Curtains # 15 Mexico I was just giving you some useless info about California it has nothing to do with any of the questions Ann
  11. Ice Cream?? Ill try Mexico then. Did you know that California is the top Poinsettia producing state?? just to bore you with science
  12. Ok Forgot about this quiz. Only had a guess at a couple trying to watch the pope's funeral at the same time #4 Peaches? #9 Curtains? #10 Australia?
  13. Don't remember Mrs Bradley Ilko. Names I do remember are Mr Parr]he was lovely] Mr Hutchison the head master & Mrs Cree?? I went through my first month in a misty teary eyed mess so I think I have blanked it all out
  14. That's ok I hate everybody too :lol: Noooooooooo not everybody just a lot of people
  15. Gordon Bennett Ann, sounds worse than I imagined,can't stand the bloke anyway. But a bitch in labour is a bit harsh don't you think??
  16. See!! I knew it was a mistake,you just like living on the wild side don't ya??
  17. I seem to remember there were some prefabs in Whitemoor too up until a few years ago . Don't know if they have gone,but there are certainly some houses where they once were. They run along Nuthall Road,or at least they did.
  18. Can I order a sticker too please??
  19. Oh god Yes, my partner & I both remember him very well. He was quite old even then,he smoked a pipe I think?? he had a bit of a reputation though...........say no more,someone may be watching & listening What about Paul Irons anyone remember him?? his dad was a JP. I loved him & so did all the girls, he was very good at getting the kids on his side,all above board of course. If we did as we were told he would let us take our records to school & play them in one of the rooms at TBS,oh my god did we think that was the tops. It was like a mini disco, & at lunch time too! I
  20. Careful...............I have a few of you too my love
  21. Caz

    telly adverts

    Sis please, let's have a bit of decorum :lol:
  22. Yippee!! & not before time either,what a b***** saga!! So what was his claim to fame them??
  23. Caz

    telly adverts

    The pommy adverts sound much more entertaining than ours here in Oz. Though we do have a few english one's creeping in on Austar I have noticed. Honestly I can't think of any one in particular which irritates me,when I do I'll let you know.