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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Avoid it like the plague,it ain't going to be pretty <_<
  2. I know who it is.......................Captain Marvel!!!! :D
  3. Must try & remember to look out for the dog next time we watch. It's a great film I really enjoyed watching it recently.
  4. Caz

    telly adverts

    Hi Scoots Don't have a prob with adverts ,we hardly watch any commercial TV at all, just cable. They do have a few adverts but nothing like ordinary TV.
  5. Is that right...........don't know what they are talking about do you????
  6. Come on Friday I can see you are reading this at the moment...............let's have a pic of you too :D
  7. Will try & resize them today if I don't get the time I will email them to you so you can do it for me Mick, I'm trying to be all feminine & useless now!!.............Cheers.
  8. Oh god yeah,goes without saying :lol:
  9. Yes come on Mick we think we have waited long enough
  10. # 2 I'm 2nd from the end on the right on the bottom row, next to Elaine Watts. Recognise anyone?
  11. Just remembered I had these 2 pics taken at Arkwright school,sometime between 64/65 I think,just before I left for TBS. # 1 I'm next to Bebe Khan 2nd from the end on the left bottom row.
  12. Ann the email addresses I was telling you about are at the bottom of this post caz
  13. Hi Angi The blonde lady with Tinker & Tucker was Jean Morton if i'm not mistaken?? Don't know what's going on here myself it's those boys just fooling around again
  14. That's alright Dennis, I know absolutely zilch about opera,i'm more of a dance music gal myself won't promise I know anything about the next lot of trivia either but ill have a go
  15. Great!!! saved me the trouble of doing it................... next!!
  16. Mick I wish you would leave your dress up clothes for behind closed doors, how are we supposed to take you seriously :lol:
  17. BUMP I think it was going to be called The Midlands Road??
  18. Just listened to the Edwin Starr interviews Mick, really enjoyed them & listening to the music, how come he left USA & went to live in Nottingham, was it because of the Hierarchy in the music industry in America??
  19. I have to ask why you didn't have a gun,did your'e mum think it was too dangerous for you to have one in case it went off & shot off your crown jewels??
  20. And you think that makes a difference do you?............NAH!!
  21. Yikes i've lost already!! especially if BIP is in on the act <_<