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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Jimmy Clitheroe was my favorite,I was so surprised when I eventually saw him & he was a grown man.
  2. Hi Den10 No didn't realise that. Wasn't radio Luxembourg for the funky young thing's though?? Don't think Billy Cotton would have fit in to that category do you?? I used to listen to Radio Luxembourg as a child, I was always having to baby sit my gran who lived upstairs in our house on Ryehill st, it must have been very boring for a young kid, so dad must have given me a radio & I remember scouring the dial for something to listen to, lo & behold I found 208!! I really used to get lost in my own little world listening to that station & the DJ's,Stuart Henry, Kid [dave] Jenson wh
  3. Looks like Brian went for a barge ride & didnt come back
  4. My most nostalgic smell of Nottingham is of the wood we used to light our coal fire when I was a kid,mmmmm still get a stomach lunge even now when I think of it!! My partner's nostalgic smell was on his first visit back to the Uk after 30 odd years,he went to Bakewell & it was the burning of the coal coming from the chimmneys,he has tears in his eyes as I type :lol:
  5. Caz


    Hi Ilko It just occurred to me I don't think you have posted a photo of yourself I would like to see if I recognise you from when we were younger?? come on you handsome devil get posting :D
  6. Caz


    Hi Ayup Ryehill terrace was off Ryehill st,it was next to the Almshouses,which also ran up London Rd do you remember it now?? There is a reference to it in the medders posts i think?? Caz Also can you fill me in about the chat site for Friends Reunited,haven't heard anything about it??
  7. Caz


    Hey Ilko Didn't we both live on Ryehill terrace at some stage??
  8. Caz


    Hi Ilko, I wasn't suggesting this wasn't so, just I don't remember the school being on the opposite corner, I thought the school would have been lower down, strange how memory fails us isn't it??
  9. Caz


    Are you sure Arkwright School was on the opposite corner? I can't visualise that at all & I went to that shool,are there any more pics on the link that shows a better pic of it?
  10. Well done Mick you triumphed again
  11. I'm sure you make up for it in wit Ayup
  12. And I was the one in the white satin mini dress,& didn't I think I was the bees knees!!
  13. Give the guy a chance I bet he worked his little tush off didnt ya Mick :D
  14. Hi Brian Nice to see what you look like. I love barges,where was that taken? in Nottinghamshire?
  15. Yeah me too!! we must have been in the same building & we didnt even know Mick! I was a bit younger than you,so probably you would have thought I was a snotty nosed kid hey??
  16. Sorry Den, we are smug aren't we?? I heard the weather is cold at the mo, if it makes you feel any better we have had rain today & it was lovely!!!
  17. Yes i'm afraid so BIP, just the thought of it send shivers down my spine
  18. You & I are like 2 pigs in S*** aren't we Ayup?? Very happy with our lot. :D It can get brown in this area but hasn't for a while now we have had a bit of rain & the place looks like a golf course, our paddock included!! When I lived in Perth the lawns & paddocks were white & all dried up, just started to get a bit better in the winter & then summer came back with a vengeance & it started all over again. <_< I have posted a couple of web sites which you & the others may find interesting, if you have a spare 10 mins give them a look,it will bring back a
  19. Sorry you guys I just can't get into C&W music, never have. Every time I think of it I get this horrible picture in my head of Bootscooting & it makes my stomach churn
  20. I was just going to post & say the same thing Cali Gal. I think there are a few people on here[mostly guys] who haven't added a pic,a bit unfair I think seeing as we girlies didn't mind exposing ourselves!!
  21. Hi Dicko What year did the Carousel club close?? I don't remember it but my partner does
  22. G'day Ayup, You've been around a bit ain't ya?? You can't live in god's own country cuz we do!! We live in the country,surrounded by mountains, covered with wild flowers in the summer & snow in the winter. Rivers full of trout.Country roads with blackberries growing in the hegerows,heaps of wineries in every direction & beautiful cheeses to tempt the palate. We all have our own little bit of heaven & this is mine. :D :lol: B) You have a brother who lives around this area don't you me duck? From Caz in sunny Oz
  23. Hello Derek welcome to the site. I think you will find lots of interesting stories & memories about Nottm............Enjoy!!!
  24. Hello Radio Nick Which station are you with?? welcome anyway