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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Hope so haven't heard anything yet Cali Gal
  2. Well done Mick worth a look hey?? bet you boys are salivating
  3. Hey you can't argue with that!! Where does your mum live now, still in the States I presume?? Can't remember the shop myself i'm probably a bit younger than her. When did you last visit Nottingham Cali Gal??
  4. Cali Gal what time is it in California??? Just sent you an email explaining about the email address Caz B)
  5. Hey that man won't be able to resist baby!!!!
  6. I absolutely agree Anne. In fact if I didnt keep geting reminded how old I am I wouldn't even think about it. Maybe now my birthday has gone I will forget about it & still feel only 30!!??
  7. LOl that's exactly what I did Cali Gal & I have an email address for him. Where do you want to go from here??? Caz
  8. Hello & welcome to you all. We are increasing at a great rate. Look forward to reading your memories of Nottingham Caz in Oz B)
  9. Hello Cali Gal If you contact me via PM I may have found something for you Caz
  10. Hey Ilko Apparently had the Dennisons stayed together they would have toppled the Beatles, hard to imagine anyone could hey?? another good Liverpool band from all accounts.
  11. Hey I thought you werent going to have a go at this one you little devil. Just tricking hey,good job I didn't take any notice of you !! Have a good trip BIP & don't go down those long dark alleys in Amsterdam will you??
  12. Hello Anne I live in North East Victoria, only 50 mins away from the ski fields of Falls Creek & Mt Hotham, which is where we work in the winter. It's a beautiful place all year round, though a little humid at the moment. We have had a bit of rain lately which is highly unusual in the summer, in Melbourne yes but not here. As for my birthday it was great, still don't feel 50, maybe i look it?? don't care anyway i'm happy & my family are all healthy so what more can I ask?? Will post a pic of me at my party when I have reduced them down to size Take care Caz If you are interested
  13. Caz

    Who's Got It?

    Get Smithylass on here she will know where it is,she's into searching & delving aren't you sis??
  14. Jack Sugden that's who it is i'm sure?? <_< By the way Daph do you take the same shoe size as mick2me??
  15. Hi Cali Gal GAG means grab a granny!! it's the night the old birds go & try to convince everyone they are still young free & single If I was going for one night only I would go to the Trip To Jerusalem Pub,& a massive curry from the shop on Mansfield Rd there is nothing in the world like a good curry,be better in Delhi but beggars can't be choosers hey?? & don't forget the garlic naan bread oooo you've got my taste buds going now must book that flight back to Nottm soon!! :lol:
  16. Hey Cali Gal!! Hope you find who you are looking for. I can't help you but if someone knows the guys you are interested in finding i'm sure they will let you know :D From Caz In Oz B)
  17. I'll be there soon BIP!!! Obviously Bamber doesn't realise i'm an expat does he?? or maybe there's a web site we don'y know about???
  18. I am trying to trace an rticle which appeared in the Nottingham Evening Post on November 16th 1960[ the day Clarke Gable died] I have tried contacting the archive lady at the post but have recieved no reply. I am not able to log onto the site today for some reason. Does anyone have any ideas as to where else I can look for the info I need??
  19. BBrrrr! that looks very cold Anne. The first pic looks just like where we work in our winter. Just realised it's not that far away either. Better go out & enjoy the good weather before it's too late hey??
  20. This OAP lark sounds ok. Don't think we get much here,a free train ticket once a year is all if i'm not mistaken. Mind you I have a while to go so I won't start worrying yet <_< Talking of kathy Kirby, I can hear her voice now, she had a very strong sound I remember? I think she had a song called Let Me go didn't she??
  21. The only thing I can say about Kathy Kirby is Vaseline!! She had a good voice though & she was a sex symbol when I was a kid.
  22. Were you a bluecoat Bamber?? I bet you have a few stories to tell hey?? I remember Neville King really well, & that horrible old puppet
  23. What was Lord Charles's ventriloquist called?? Could it be Ray Allen??