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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. Mines not here until next month.  It’s coming from your side of the pond! No rush though. It’s for a spare machine I didn’t get rid of when I bought my last machine some 4 years ago. This one picks up and the other one mulches which I much prefer.

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  2. No, I simply love Amazon. Last month I've bought a plethora of items ranging from a 4 stroke wheeled strimmer to 10 pairs of boxer shorts. The only items outstanding are an oil filter for a lawn tractor and a garden potting bench. It's always exciting to see the van come up the drive. Amazon drivers and the postman are the only real people I see these days!


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  3. I have a large ginger tom sitting on my Times Jumbo crossword but I’m doing my best to work round him and he is helping me with the clues telepathically. The others are helping their human mummy with the gardening!

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  4. Apart from getting petrol for the horticultural machinery I never go out these days. We’re pretty well self contained with supermarket deliveries and the odd visit by my wife to the farm shop where they limit the customers on the premises and make them use a hand rub. Our daughter usually visits on a Saturday with some treats from Newark Waitrose. What has increased is the number of deliveries from Amazon, almost every day. I doubt I will ever go into a shop again now I’ve joined Prime and get next day deliveries. We have a large garden and a meadow so there is always something of interest to catch up with. Strangely enough I’ve not missed seeing people although I do chat on the phone to close friends. Sadly the rain has turned the grass from brown to green so I shall have to start mowing again.

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  5. I had to study statistics for my accountancy exams but never came across the subject in real life. Another peculiar subject was economics where there was never any definitive answer to an exam question. I worked on the theory that the examiners weighed the answer papers rather than marking them. The more you waffled, the higher the mark! Your were taught so much rubbish at school that had no relation to real life situations. As an example, in French the subject was based on grammar when actually you needed to learn it as a conversational language. Latin was taught, as in those days an O-level in Latin was a prerequisite for entry at some universities for medical and pharmaceutical courses, where an abbreviated form of Latin was used in prescriptions.

  6. I was never very good at maths. I became an accountant but apart from addition, subtraction, multiplication and division which I learnt at primary school I never came across any of the more advanced maths we were taught at grammar school. I've never seen a quadratic equation since I left school. A knowledge of Ohm's law and Newton's laws of motion usually solve most problems!

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  7. Well all prepared for them this morning but they never showed up. I guess the cloud base was too low for a proper performance. I doubt they will be back as it takes time to set up the necessary arrangements.

  8. The Red Arrows are due to perform two display rehearsals at RAF Syerston tomorrow at 0915 and 1130. Looking at the weather forecast it’s due to turn wet with 100% cloud cover and a massive drop in temperature so I don’t know if it will go ahead. They do have an alternative low level display for such conditions so they may do that. This is becoming an annual event as there was a display last year. I have a ringside seat from home!