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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. Back in the 80’s when wireless telephone technology kicked off it was the first generation of such technology and was known as 1g. Over the years there have been ongoing improvements and as the technology improved it moved up a generation so we have Ig, 2g, 3g, 4g and now we are reaching the 5th generation of technological development i.e 5g. It’s purely a description of the current level of the technology of mobile communications.

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  2. An electrician who sometimes did work for my company was doing a job for my mother in law. She asked him what I was like to work for. He said 'he's a bastard but at least he's a fair bastard'. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me! :biggrin:


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  3. Way back in the days before motorways we used to set off for our holidays in Cornwall at around 11at night.  Our driver, my uncle, who had a coal business, had just finished a hard day’s work so he was glad when he stopped for a kip on Dartmoor in the early hours of the morning. He had one of the very early gas fired portable stoves so we woke up to the smell of bacon frying. I think today, with much better roads, it will take just as long to get there because of the increased traffic volume.

  4. When at at work I often got up at 5am to be the other side of London by eight. Little Chef breakfast on the way down and back at the factory by lunchtime. No speed cameras on the A1 in those days and you could get a bat on!

  5. Tripe is disgusting. I can't see any merit in it whatsoever. My parents used to eulogise over it pre war when they went to Tom Sanderson's tripe shop after the cinema. I saw some at the butcher's one Saturday and brought it home for lunch. Nobody would touch it!


  6. Well if we put the Lib Dems in next time we'll get proportional representation which means Parliament will never agree on anything. It won't happen of course because they don't command popular appeal. Better with the system we've got although it can never be perfect. At least Col's got something to moan about for the next four years. Not good for the health though. Better to have a happy and cheerful disposition!

  7. If you read me closely I did allude to the misguided trip to Barnard Castle which was a mistake. I was impressed by the guy’s honesty though. Regarding the child, were they supposed to give him to Social Sevices whilst they isolated?

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  8. What did he do that was wrong? He acted within the guidelines. He didn’t look for a loophole, the rules were clearly stated. I think the drive to Barnard Castle was misjudged and he could have been in breach of the Highway Code regarding eyesight but I’m sure we’ve all slightly bent the rules during lockdown out of sheer necessity. The media are just looking for a victim to pursue. Look how they gather round his doorway and not keeping a social distance.

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