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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. Watch your TV news tonight. We’ve got East Midlands TV News filming in the village at the moment. We must have more than 80 scarecrows now and the maypole dancers have just been completed but not yet on our Facebook page. Some people have gone to a lot of trouble but we can’t have any visitors in the flesh to view their efforts.


  2. £1.047 at Waitrose Newark - but a much better class of customer! Their diesel was £1.097 when I filled my wife's car a couple of days ago. Harrison's at Lowdham nearby have totally shut down as had M&S at Southwell this morning. 

  3. Going back to Catholicism  - my company had a subsidiary in Dublin. The two directors were fully indoctrinated Catholics. When they came over here they would make the sign of the cross when they passed a church of any denomination and they finished most of their sentences with the words 'please God'. If they were over here on a Friday they would have obtained dispensation from their priest to be absolved from eating fish. They always had steak! That was back in the 80's. I'm sure all that dogma has been swept away now.

  4. Well I’ve had my second trip of the lock down today. To Lowdham to collect a prescription. That was legitimate. Next to Gonalston farm shop for provisions but there was an enormous queue so we moved on to Southwell to get cans of petrol for grass cutting. Is cutting grass allowable? The filling station was closed so that meant a trip to Newark Waitrose where the queue for the store was about 300 yards long but no wait for fuel. Then Fiskerton shop on the way back for provisions. No problems there, shop was empty and well stocked. All together a trip of 27 miles but it gave my car a much needed blow out. Whether the trip was bona fide I don’t know nor care. The problem with living out here is that everywhere is a long distance away so we get a trip through the countryside which is looking magnificent at the moment. Locally made chicken and leek pie tonight! Strangely enough we’ve managed to book a delivery slot from Morrison’s on Saturday so that’s something else to relieve the boredom.

    Bleasby is resplendent with scarecrows now. Someone’s putting up more to dance round the maypole on the glebe field. Lots of bunting as well. It was disappointing to see on my travels that other villages have not made an effort to brighten things up and remember VE Day. My wife is busy making wreaths to lay on the aircrew memorial and then she’s got to decorate the church lych gate. I didn’t realise we had such strong community spirit round here. I used to get involved but, being a miserable old bugger, I’ve not done anything for years. Long may it continue.

  5. I’ve been out ‘proper’ today. The first time since my hip replacement. The surgeon had cleared me to drive again ( over the ‘phone!) and my wife’s car was low on fuel so we went to Waitrose in Newark where you can pay at the pump. I did take the precaution of donning a pair of disposable gloves from the workshop. There was quite a queue at the supermarket although not for fuel so we called at Fiskerton shop on the way home to get food and wine. It was amazing to see how springlike the hedgerows had become. There were loads of walkers and cyclists about and the traffic was fairly heavy. It felt rather strange seeing the real world again after such a long time. Bleasby is awash with scarecrows, new ones appearing everyday. The sad thing was seeing that the pubs were closed. Locally made sausages and mash washed down with a glass or two of Merlot, purely for medicinal purposes, this evening! All part of my recovery. Now my car needs a good thrashing. Perhaps a trip to Lowdham tomorrow to collect my prescription. That’s a permitted errand isn’t it?

    • Like 3
  6. Just mowed half an acre of grass in the orchard. It looked sunny outside so I was in shirtsleeves. It was absolutely bloody freezing. When I came back indoors the radiators were red hot to maintain 20 degrees in the sitting room. Remember the old adage ‘nere cast a clout ‘till May be out’.

  7. I let my veg garden grow over with grass last year. With my bad hip I was unable to tend it. I noticed when I was mowing at the weekend you couldn’t tell where it had been. Now I’m on the road to recovery I miss not having it but it would require the removal of the turf and a thorough going over with the rotovator. (It was quite a large area). I believe you can hire turf cutters but I think it might be a little early to consider wrestling with the rotovator. I think I’ll give the current year a miss and start the preparations in the autumn when I should be back to 100%.

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  8. An old friend of mine's father was the managing director of Redmayne & Todd. They had the FA cup on display in the shop window but for security reasons it was brought home at night where it used to sit on their sideboard!

  9. We’ve got a plethora of scarecrows around the village for VE Day and the NHS. They can be seen on the Bleasby village facebook page. If you see a large knitted cat up a tree that’s ours. We’re hoping to have more dancing round the Maypole in the Glebe Field. Apparently we’re getting a visit from Midland’s TV.

  10. Mines a 'made in Mexico' Strat. It's a genuine Strat but about half the price of the 'made in USA' version. It's perfectly adequate for rank amateurs like me and totally indistinguishable apart from the label. The current price is around £550. I'll probably give it away to an enthusiastic budding guitarist in the village sometime. Although a pleasure to look at I'll never play it again. I still have a Yamaha 12 string, a Spanish style, an acoustic/electric Hofner, a 5string banjo, a ukulele, a set of bagpipes, a bugle and a harmonica - none of which I'm proficient on! The keyboard went to charity a few years ago.

  11. Great documentary. I sit here in my study with my cherry red Stratocaster leaning against the wall beside my Vox amplifier. I distinctly remember learning to pay Apache. I think the first performance was at Bramcote village hall with a guy called Dave Field from the High School, although I had a Hofner Congress in those days. My last performance many years ago was with my neighbour from down the lane, Bill Brazier, who once played professionally for the Fabulous Beatmen and who still performs on occasions. That was for a birthday party for the then landlord at the Waggon and Horses in Bleasby.