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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. I can learn towards 'humanism' but that would mean my joining a sort of 'club' and I prefer to be independent. During these weeks of lock down I've spent much time pondering on religious faiths and deciding they can't all be the true one. I think trying to be good, honest and upright is the path to follow without a need to seek that elusive 'architect of the universe'. I do think there could be something deeper though!

  2. You have misinterpreted me Loppy.  I’ve said that Christians appear to be nice people who do good in their  communities and are to be applauded for what they do. Some of the communities appear a little odd in their celebrations and their regalia but that’s their traditions and doesn’t usually affect others. Some, like the Catholics have strange ideas about priestly celibacy and there have been scandals probably due to repressed sexuality. I’m all for live and let live. People are free to join which Christian ‘club’ they choose and to carry out good works in their communities. I choose not to belong to clubs or societies and prefer to be a free spirit. Long may Christian religions survive, they are a positive good in society. If one came along where I could see a meeting of minds I might joint. Until that time comes I’ll continue to live my life in a decent, honest and upright manner without any need of a supreme being for guidance.

  3. Alpha’s summary of religion is bang on. It’s original purpose was to put the fear of god onto the population so that they could be more easily controlled. This has carried over today with some of the more intense religions. The others are just cosy little clubs where mainly nice, kind people can come together to act out their harmless rituals which give them comfort. Quite harmless really and they should be left alone.

  4. As my Catholic second cousin in Perth was told when applying for a post at an Anglican school.

    ‘One can of beans is very much like any other can of beans!’. She’s a school psychologist, available for consultation with staff and pupils alike. We never had one of those in my day! 


  5. I'll try and get it on line. It is spectacular. Park Farm, Kirby Bellars near Melton. The airstrip is long gone. If if wasn't for the hidden tight wire fence over the brow of the hill we'd have made it. I reported it at Melton police station and the sergeant said 'a flasher and an air crash, it's made my day. Not much happens around here on a Sunday!'


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  6. He was a member of our aircraft syndicate in which four of us had equal shares. He got his investment back after I crashed it plus a bit extra as we had just increased the insurance value! I was just looking at a photo of it today marvelling how we got out alive as fuel dripped from the damaged wing tanks! I still have the scars. :biggrin:

  7. Letsavago. You village used to be fully self contained in 1962. There was a pub, a church, a hairdressers, a shop, a filling station and car repairs. My wife lived with her parents at the top of Willson's Lane. A bit like the plague village at Eyam

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  8. 32 minutes ago, MargieH said:

    Phil, You said you had your op with spinal anaesthesia .... was the bone saw noisy or did they give you headphones to listen to music?   (I've been in theatre many years ago watching similar ops)

    All the best for your speedy recovery - I bet you're pleased it's all over and done with.  It's the waiting for the op that's the worst, I think. xx

    After getting up at 5am I slept through it!

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  9. I used to go to those boxing evenings at the Albany. Dinner jackets and a meal. It was called 'The Great International Sporting Club' promoted by Reg King. We used to get a comedian of the likes of Bob Monkhouse and Bernard Manning with some pretty blue jokes! Way beyond 12 years ago though.