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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. Our village main st. is clogged up with parents’ cars at delivery and collection times. There is a school bus from the outlying villages but in most cases people live within a reasonable walking distance but are just too idle to walk. I used to walk or cycle about a mile to primary school when I was a kid, except on some Thursdays when my cousin collected me on a pony!

  2. The demands of the trade unions pushed up labour costs. That was fair enough as they were doing their best for their members. However the Chinese could make the same products for lower costs so it became cheaper to import. How do you shop? If it’s for a similar product you go to the cheapest supplier (unless you’re a Waitrose customer!)

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  3. We’ve had statesmanlike bluster from Boris, informed scientific opinion from the chief scientist and the chief medical officer. All we want now is some mumbo jumbo from the Archbishop of Canterbury to complete the trilogy.

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