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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. S and M usually have a more ‘rugged’ tread pattern. I believe winter tyres are fairly conventional looking but have a different rubber compound. I’ve not researched the technology as I have no intention of fitting them and spring is just around the corner! Just waiting for the S and M jokes.

  2. Winter tyres are the thing now apparently. Some say they out perform 4x4’s on 2WD cars.The problem is that nowadays we don’t get really bad winters and it’s a bit of a performance to do an annual changeover. There’s also the expense of 4 tyres and possibly 4 wheels. Even in the old days, when we used to get heavy snowfalls, I was never late for work on my 15 mile commute. I just got up earlier! There were of course fewer cars on the roads.

  3. I was looking at this area on Google and I can see an end terrace house with a stable in the backyard on nearby Eaton Street. Back in the 50’s my uncle who lived nearby in Woodthorpe use to stable a pony there. At weekends we would hitch it up to a trap and go hurtling along the Plains to the top of Woodborough hill and back. The pony had been couped up all week and was full of energy when he was let out. There were very few cars and I think we overtook most of them!

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  4. I live down one of the picturesque lanes of the Trent valley with views of the wooded hills on both sides. I can be in the hills and dales of Derbyshire within an hour and we regularly visit Bakewell. Like you I love the fens of Lincolnshire, again easily accessible. I especially like this area on a bleak winter’s day. 

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