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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. We had to study Latin at school. Apparently you needed Latin to get into Oxford or Cambridge or for medical degrees. Prescriptions used to be written in an abbreviated Latin form. I find it useful for translating ancient tombstones and solving crosswords. Otherwise it's totally useless. We would say 'Latin is a language as dead as dead can be. It killed the ancient Romans and now it's killing me!

  2. That used to be part of our longer cross country course at Mellish. After going up Kersall Drive and crossing the common we went under a railway bridge and up and over the fields. We re-emerged through another  bridge further down, crossed Hucknall Rd., ran beside the railway bank at the bottom of the golf course, through another bridge then back up St. Alban’s Rd., down Piccadilly and back home. School cross country champion me!