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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. I always coveted an E Type but by the time I could get round to one it had evolved into the XJS and I was 40. It was a mechanical disaster over 3 years but it did look good in red with magnolia hide! I dipped into the Jag world again just over three years ago with an F Type. Again in bright red. That was returned to the dealership 8 times in three years and it only covered 12,000 miles. It was disposed of when the warranty expired. I did so want to own a British car but I must have reliability.


  2. Is not that I haven’t got anything to do Barrie. With a few acres of agricultural land and garden it’s a problem to keep up with everything. At the end of the day there’s no financial return in it for me and that has been my lifelong motivation. What a sad life I’ve lived. :biggrin:

  3. Even though I’ve been retired for many years I still miss not going to work everyday. I loved the stress and the hassle and the problem solving. I’ve got plenty to do round here but I can just please myself when I do it. There’s no real motivation other than the pursuit of happiness and I’m not very good at that!

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  4. I bought an electric bike a few weeks ago but because of my arthritis I can't get on it. All those who have ridden it say how great it is. When I've plucked up the courage to get my hip done I shall try it out. I do have a static exercise bike which I can mount but more than five minutes pedalling becomes incredibly boring.

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  5. 14 hours ago, trogg said:

    Phil thanks for the offer, I may take you up on it in the future , but I think most of the problems are due to it being a more powerful engine and my mobility problems.



    Until I get my hip repaired I also have similar problems. We could have a lot of fun sorting it! :biggrin: