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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. Most of us are angry and annoyed about the Brexit situation and the country is divided as much as Parliament. Without getting into  politics I think that the referendum should be rerun and decided on a decisive majority, say two thirds. With the way that the referendum was set up last time the vote could have gone either way, theoretically on just one vote.

    • Like 4
  2. My right hip actually Rog! I was sent for an x-ray and after 8 weeks the surgery confirmed I had arthritis. I could have told them that! They suggested physio initially and the physiotherapist ‘phoned me and then emailed me a list of excercises. That was three months ago and I’ve heard nothing more so far. I suppose the ball’s in my court to go on the 19 week waiting list for a ‘transplant’. 

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  3. Last time I had an ingrowing toenail I performed the surgery on myself. Quite a lot of blood was spilt but the problem was cured. I doubt I have the flexibility to do a diy job now as I’m no longer able to assume the lotus position. At one time, as a party trick, I could put a leg round the back of my neck. I broke wind the last time I tried that though -  much to the amusement of the dinner party guests!

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  4. ASOS - ‘as seen on screen’. Our daughter used to work for them in advertising and publicity when she lived in London. They’re based in Camden. It’s a hugh organisation. Their distribution warehouse is somewhere up north near Barnsley. 

  5. Can you just imagine the blame going on amongst builders, structural engineers, architects and insurers. It’s a disgusting looking modern edifice which will look as grotty as 60’s structures after a few years. The whole lot should be pulled down but that will never happen. 

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  6. Nottingham Trent University’s campus at Brackenhurst near to us is having a lot of new buildings erected currently. Whilst driving by yesterday we noticed that a newly built brick wall of one of  blocks had become detached and was starting to fall away. The structure is very modern and oddly designed with a deliberate outward lean. It looks like the lean has gone too far. I’ve just seen an article about this on the Post website. I can just imagine the blame that’s going on now between the architects and the builders. Would love to be a fly on the wall!

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  7. Heaven is a place where:

    The lovers are Italian

    The cooks are French

    The mechanics are German

    The police are English

    The Government is run by the Swiss


    Hell is a place where:

    The lovers are Swiss

    The cooks are English

    The mechanics are French

    The police are German

    The government is run by the Italians

    • Like 3
  8. 9 minutes ago, Beekay said:

    All the greatest respect Phil., but after burying your dog it's gonna be a bugger digging a hole for a horse. Honest, no disrespect intended. B.

    It was a big hole for the dog. No way was I going to bury a horse - the specialists took that away. Our local farming contractor did dig a horse size hole with his JCB for a friend down the lane whose horse had to be put down. A shot from the humane killer and the horse fell into the hole. A bit morbid really but country living isn’t just all about fluffy bunny rabbits!

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  9. Don’t have a horse anymore Rog. Our last horse had to be put down by the vet. It was on the same day that our standard poodle died and I had just finished burying it. Later that afternoon I had to collect our daughter from the London train at Newark as my wife was organising the disposal of the body. It was quite difficult to break the news that the horse had died and I’d just buried the dog. Don’t want many of those experiences!