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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. I enjoy oysters but you can have too many. Some years ago three of us took a Piper Cherokee on a flying club trip to the Quiberon peninsular in Brittany. There was a welcome at the airfield where we were each given half a dozen oysters and a bottle of local wine. One of our party was a strictly meat and two veg man so myself and other friend split his oysters between us. It was late afternoon and were driven to our hotel to await the evening banquet. After a few pre dinner Kirs we were ushered into the dining room to be greeted by another half a dozen oysters each and of course we split our friend's uneaten ones. The next course was ray wing. A whole bloody great ray wing. By that time my stomach was a little delicate so I made my excuses and left the table to regurgitate. In those days I could do that and return to the table looking fresh and eager for the next course. Not today I doubt. I still like oysters though.:biggrin:


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  2. I think beards are an affectation but currently they seem to be fashionable. Even my own son has recently grown one of which I strongly disapprove. An electric razor for his imminent birthday I think. The Lord Jesus had a beard though, so who I am to criticise?  

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  3. I only went to the doctor's a couple of weeks before with a bad throat. He steered the conversation round to a vasectomy, something I'd never even considered. It was a private job (no pun intended) and I think he was getting a kick back from the surgeon. It was done very early on a Saturday morning and I was back working at the factory by nine. Very brave! :biggrin:

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  4. The Newark fire is at Briggs Metals scrapyard opposite the sugar beet factory. Run by the infamous Briggs-Price who is not long out of prison for drug smuggling. He’s ‘well known’ in the area. Maybe a copycat Notre Dame hoping for a public whip round to reinstate.

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  5. Maybe. I got my appointment time wrong so I had to tear along the Gonalston bye-pass at a speed well in excess of the legal limit. I got there 20 seconds late and then had to wait 20 minutes to see the nurse! I checked my pulse on my smartphone app and it was 90! (same as my speed) I thought my blood pressure would be through the roof as well but she said it was nice and normal and see you in October. Just need a hip replacement now and I’ll be perfect once more!

  6. Where do all these layabouts/rent a mob come from, why aren't they doing a proper day's work? Apparently they want all carbon emissions banned by 2025. Do they realise how much Co2 would be generated in providing the infrastructure for an emission free world; not that it would be achievable anyway.

    'Capitalist production, environmental destruction.' So it's back to living in caves - oh no, we couldn't light a fire to cook our lentils!

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