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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. If you want a spectacular view, turn right about half a mile after leaving Thurgarton towards Southwell on the A612. Stop at the top of Highcross Hill and you can see both Southwell Minster and Lincoln Cathedral, Newark, the sailing lakes at Hoveringham and the Vales of Trent and Belvoir. One of the finest panoramas in the County spoilt only by the sight of wind farms and Staythorpe power station.

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  2. As far as I could see he was perfectly normal. He looked and felt fine. We tried to stop him from coming out but he insisted. He’s just turned 71 and I’ve known him since 1973. He obviously got to go back for checks but the consultant was happy to release him.

  3. Actually I don’t drink  - I’m being serious now! Alcohol aggravates my gout so I’ve banned myself.

    A friend of mine who is a keen ale drinker and belongs to CAMRA had a stroke this Monday. His wife, a nurse, recognised the symptoms, called 999 and the paramedic arrived within six minutes closely followed by an ambulance. He was taken to the stroke unit where he was scanned and the clot discovered and treated. He went through all the tests and obs and he insisted that he be out on Tuesday as he was going on a CAMRA trip to Liverpool. He was pronounce OK on Tuesday and went home but his wife wouldn’t let him go to Liverpool! I normally meet with him on a Monday night with another friend for a drink. Having been forced to miss Monday he insisted on going out on Wednesday night so my other friend collected him and we met for a drink. He had beer, I had a tonic water! He was also going out to meet friends in a pub on Thursday but he had to get the bus as he can’t drive for a month by order. He’s a fellow pilot so he’s got balls of steel but I had to admire his bravado. Until recently he ran marathons in cities all over the world. Looking forward to next Monday when hopefully we meet again!

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