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Posts posted by philmayfield

  1. I agree - their web site is a shambles. I did launch a Mirror dinghy at Hazleford back in the late 60's with no problem. It's used by the Trent Power and Ski Boat Club for launching speedboats but I don't think they are very active these days. Most days there's nobody down there. It was more active when the Star and Garter was a pub but it's an old folk's home now so very quiet.

    • Upvote 2
  2. There used to be a "proper" butchers shop in Hoveringham back in the 60's/70's called Mrs Clark's. They were good butchers but I remember the flies buzzing round the carcasses in the summertime. I also rember the old slaughterhouse in Epperstone where blood would run down the gutter on Main st.

  3. I remember back in 1959 going to a protest demonstration in the Market Square to get Popkess reinstated after he had been suspended by the watch committee. He had launched an investigation into corruption by labour councilors. His suspension became a national scandal and he was subsequently reinstated. He retired not long afterwards and never set foot in Nottingham again. Details can be found on the Internet.

    • Upvote 3
  4. He wasn't even wearing a suit - just a scruffy brown jacket and grey trousers. He still hasn't mastered the art of wearing a tie. I think his dress sense shows lack of respect to the House of Commons. Most of the time I'm more than happy to be scruffy but there are occasions when one has to make an effort.

    We always dress for dinner here at Mayfield Towers!

    • Upvote 4
  5. As a potential statesman he needs to smarten himself up. I don't want to be represented by a scruffy erk like Corben. However he does ask sensible questions of Cameron but fails to get a proper reply. Cameron should not be using question time to pass insults.

    Not impressed by either of them.

    • Upvote 2
  6. Well, according to the most recent accounts, the net worth of the company is minus £4,119,676. I believe the ground is owned by the City Council. Is there money to be made by investing here?

    There are people who enjoy the kudos of owning a football club so someone of wealth may step forward. Good luck to them.