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Everything posted by stevie12

  1. Shut ya mythin or I'll geya summut to cry about
  2. ar ya comin weus or ama goin by me sen.
  3. Thank you for the welcome everyone, and to answer this question I'm in Saskatoon the land of the living skies.
  4. Hi all, Just wanted to introduce myself I'm Steve, born and bred in Nottingham and grew up in daybrook recently moved to Canada and loving it, but there's still a part of Notts in me that will Never die. Strangely enough I still experience what Notts folk know as Goose fair weather feeling despite being 4000 miles away.
  5. Hi I came to this sites from reading about this poltergeist , and I wondered if any of you have noticed the figure in the top right bay window, here is a link at the angle with which you can see something in the window or it could just be a trick of the light with the net curtain.