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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. It has turned cooler now , we’ve had a couple of short storms although with heavy rain .Today is much cooler and it’s been cloudy all day. Occasionally there’s a bit of wind and the suggestion of rain. Tomorrow it’s supposed to get warmer. What a lovely sensation not to be hot and sweaty..
  2. Carni what good news and I’m so pleased for you. It’s good too that you are once again using your bikes even just for the 2 miles you do but I’m sure that gently, gently your rides will increase in distance but please be careful. Are cream cakes allowed? If so enjoy them. Take care.
  3. Glad to hear from you Carni. I don’t post very often (apart from the last few days) so I’m not up to date with everyone. Didn’t know about C hope you settle down with these tablets. To be honest I’ve never heard of them. A big hug from me. Stay positive.
  4. Home to relax and say today has gone like this.
  5. Don’t think so Kath.Stay north it’s slightly cooler. You won’t be going to the sea will you because the sea temperature has reached 47.5 c
  6. We are the same Barrie. In this heat it’s unthinkable to have the oven going. We bought a large air fryer( at the time it was largest) we use it practically every day. The kitchen stays cool (ish) . We use it to roast chicken wings and other things for us and the dogs. I ran out of toastie pockets and used grease proof paper instead , still good. I will have to update the air fryer yours sounds ideal. I haven’t yet tried to bake cakes in mine as I bake them in a “Fornetto” on the gas ring. We had our niece visiting last week she told us that everyone in Scotland has one. They haven’t got the s
  7. Mary I can’t believe you’ve had to do all the running around. My thoughts if the appliance is virtually new and still under guarantee the shop should deal with it not you to go ahead on your own in case things get mixed up and no one at the end understands. We had a couple of appliances in uk go wrong but they were replaced no questions asked. Here we had a glass oven door explode but we shopped ourselves and got a replacement because the 2 yr guarantee they give you with purchase had run out by a few weeks. ( typical ) Hope you get it sorted as I suppose you’re fed up of cold meals.
  8. This heatwave is continuing without a break. We are now wondering if we are going to have this storm that hit the area around Venice with hailstones as big as tennis balls. No joke when you see the damage to car windscreens and trees just being felled like skittles. During the day we are managing to keep cool by keeping the windows and shutters closed and fans at full blast. We venture out early morning and after 5 pm. It’s still hot at those times but much better than the middle of the day. This morning at 8.30 the temperature was already 25 c .Breakfast at bar then home before it starts to g
  9. And they grumble we make too much rubbish
  10. DJ children are much braver than adults. I wish her well
  11. Weather in Como isn’t too hot 32-33 c . Hope they enjoyed it.
  12. That’s the problem Phil everybody knows everybody. Practically everyone here knows me by name but who they are I have to ask Alex. He replies “ you do know them you’ve forgotten” They all know me but I can’t remember everyone can I?
  13. Been thinking why Castagnole delle Lanze is a dreadful place to live. First we live in a hamlet in the midst of vineyards, it’s very quiet, neighbours who are farmers offload excess fruit n veg to us. There are too many festivities during the year. The local community celebrate the birthdays of the younger citizens as well as the older generation providing them with certificates and rosettes etc . These are held every 10 yrs from 18 years of age so quite a few times a year we hear how the younger are growing and how many older ones are left! A small buffet is provided for them. There is an ado
  14. DJ, I sometimes wonder. But I don’t think I’d like to go back to Uk.
  16. Last night we had LALA LANZE night in the village. I mentioned earlier that they close the road and have musical nights all July. The group were playing right opposite my sons restaurant so we went up about 9pm and the music started at 10 pm. We had a drink and I had a non alcoholic G&T which I didn’t know existed but my son has everything new . G&T is popular here and he has a very large bottle of OMM gin which he keeps empty on the outside bar. The other evening we had a family reunion and went for a pizza at a castle. There were 25 of us ( many missing) My husbands brother live
  17. That’s what we’re afraid of , we’ve had some pretty high ones last year it blew the roof off a small shed which landed in next doors yard and it blew the roof off the Gazabo and we never did find it.We replaced it this year with an aluminum one. Our fig tree which is quite tall and wide was blown horizontally and I thought it was the last we would see of it but it soon recovered.
  18. That goes without saying but cooling off in a warm pool doesn’t do much. Don’t get me wrong I love the hot weather but this is too much it’s unbearable. Even tourists are grumbling about it and are doing their utmost to enjoy it without getting too much sunburn. Thankfully today it’s cool(ish). Hope it stays that way and doesn’t rain today or tonight. Every Friday during July the road where James’s restaurant is the road remains closed and becomes a pedestrian area. There are musical groups playing so there are a lot of locals plus tourists so plenty of business for all 3 restaurants and 2 bar
  19. A few days have been exhausting because it’s been so hot and humid. Now it’s a bit cooler and at the moment it’s raining, such a relief but next week we are in for some real heat. Temperatures in various regions up to 48c For the first time since we built the pool the water reached 32c. Swimming at midnight hoping to get rid of the heat of the day and to be refreshed was like having a hot bath.
  20. Lizzie was reading about your electric gates. It’s happened to us a few times but fortunately our keys do work. The last time it happened was when my remote control wouldn’t work. The gates are opened and closed at least 20 times a day probably more. In the end we had to unlock them and keep them pulled to . There are often herds of cows being shooed up the road also sheep being led to graze so leaving them open wasn’t a good idea , I didn’t want to go out the door and be confronted by any animals.
  21. I don’t think I ever went back to my old school but did have a meetup with quite a few class mates . It was enjoyable but sadly a few are no longer with us. The rain previously mentioned did end halfway through June and now we have a HOT heatwave. At the moment it’s 35 c and even in the evening the temperature doesn’t give any relief. Still there’s not much we can do but to enjoy it as autumn and winter will be here before long. Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun? ..We do have a little problem. A milky sky ! Apparently the air has a lot of micro fine grains of sand and although the sky
  22. Thankyou I found the day sad but at the same time rewarding to hear and see what the immigrants life has become. Some from sleeping on the ground to being put into a house with a front door and the face of this man peeping round afraid of what he might have seen. A blind boy travelled on his own and found happiness , he was only 13.
  23. In our village at the moment are a lot of things going off. Yesterday was a presentation of Caritas and immigration. I hadn’t any knowledge really of exactly how many immigrants we had in the village, I thought there was only a big handful , I was in for a surprise. A few weeks ago my husband was approached by one of the organizers and asked him if he would recount his experience of being an immigrant. Not from UK but from Sicily when he was a young person starting out in the world. He recalled when he was the eldest of 7 children and his father had no job. He started work at 11 yrs of age and
  24. Lizzie not sure but doubt it. It will probably be after Christmas as now flights are untouchable and Deborah will have more time and hasn’t got the strength during the summer. She just wants to flakeout. Heatwaves and hot kitchens don’t mix.