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Posts posted by nonnaB

  1. :rotfl:That made me laugh Jill . Perfumes are a personal thing and they don’t always agree with who wears them. Youth Dew….. 

    a colleague of my husbands years ago came to us for Christmas lunch. As a Thankyou he gave me some Youth Dew. The first time I wore it I had such a terrible headache. Unusual for me as I don’t suffer with them . Didn’t think much about it but after a few episodes I realised it was the perfume. My SIL gave me a bottle of Boucheron because after commenting to me that she liked it on me, bought herself some. After a while of wearing it she told me I’d given her the wrong name because it didn’t smell the same. It took some convincing but in the end she realised it was the same. My mum used “ Knowing” but to me it smelt like chemicals. 

  2. Ben going back to Old Spice. It’s had its day I think. It was ok but every man used to wear it. You are individual and unique so have a change. Go to a perfumery not the chemist or supermarket . They can always advise you ( if they know what’s what.)

    I’ve always loved Chanel no:5 for ladies and when I went to our local perfumery to buy another bottle she said it was a bit old fashioned and suitable for older people. She suggested Boucheron and I love it. I still have no:5 ( seeing as now I’m an older person) It’s nice to have a change and you never know it might lead to more ladies picking you up in Bulwellsmile2

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  3. Lizzie I’ve just opened NS and saw about your husband. It’s very worrying and I hope that everything is going to work out. Strange how things work out . You decided to go home so it’s probably the best thing you could have done to be in a place you knew well and didn’t have to start looking where and how to go. But I’m thinking of you and hope things go well. I’ll try and ring you later. ❤️

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  4. Barrie you’ll be pleased I’ve sorted out in my mind what exactly the microwave cum oven is. I think with your description I imagined something quite different so no wonder they don’t make them here:rotfl:

    Anyway we’ve got one on order so we’re waiting for a telephone call to tell us it’s arrived. They told us Thursday but it will probably arrive before. It’s called MW but it’s a combination cooker plus steam cooking. Reviews are good so let’s hope it lives up to its name. We’ve only been without MW a few days and it’s amazing , you don’t think you’d miss one but today we needed one to defrost some sardines for a plate of pasta. So it’s pasta with aubergines. ( no we don’t have pasta every day, I have stopped eating meat )I love pasta though because it is so versatile.My husband like his father could eat it for breakfast , lunch and dinner. I draw the line at that.

  5. 12 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

    Ooohh. He's a big lad!

    :shout:Yes he is. My son from childhood has been terrified of spiders. Had to fish this out before he wants to swim.

    We are used to mosquitoes, leaves and a variety of insects. The other day I found a baby lizard trying to crawl out of the water, I was already in the water and helped it to climb the side and it ran off. Good deed of the day done. :rolleyes:

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  6. On 7/29/2023 at 4:13 PM, philmayfield said:

    As we drove through the village today there was a sign pointing to a ‘hen do’. My wife, in all innocence, asked why men’s parties were called ‘stag does’ and not ‘cock does’? I gasped and pretended I’d not heard her!

    There must be an answer to that somewhere:rolleyes:

  7. 2 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

    Our air fryer has two compartments which can cook at different temperatures and times and it can be programmed so they finish simultaneously.

    That’s interesting Phil what make is it. We looked earlier in Media world and they said those sort of fryers/ ovens don’t exist here.

  8. 1 hour ago, philmayfield said:

    I remember you and Alex as proper chefs. You don’t need these newfangled, modern, labour saving gadgets at your age! :biggrin:

    Less of the “at your age” it’s not so much a gadget it’s because we already have an airfryer which we use frequently so as not to use the main oven. I was just interested in the context of putting a few things in the oven at the same time even though they should be cooked at different temperatures and times. Not sure though. 

  9. Since I’m not sure what I’m looking for what exactly does it do? Oven, airfryer, microwave , steam cook etc. They don’t make Tower brand here. My husband saw a whirlpool this morning but it only cooks one thing not 3 can I ask you to send a pic? Do you mind?

  10. On 7/26/2023 at 10:32 PM, Beekay said:

    What is it Nonna?  Bananas and grass snake.  :hungr:

    It’s a Sicilian courgette. We can’t grow them here but when relatives go to Sicily they usually bring some back with them as well as all the tender shoots from the leaves. Sauce for pasta which is delicious. The banana was put there for comparison which I ate for my pudding! While I’m writing to you can I ask you about your new oven/air fryer? My mw blew up as I was heating a lasagne up for lunch .It lit up and shuddered a bit and puffed out some awful smelling smoke ( and it wasn’t the lasagne). Now we have to get another mw and I remember reading that you’d changed yours. My husbands gone out to see if he can find one . He saw one on FB a while ago. How are you getting on with it.

  11. It has turned cooler now , we’ve had a couple of short storms although with heavy rain .Today is much cooler and it’s been cloudy all day. Occasionally there’s a bit of wind and the suggestion of rain. Tomorrow it’s supposed to get warmer. What a lovely sensation not to be hot and sweaty..

  12. Carni what good news and I’m so pleased for you. It’s good too that you are once again using your bikes even just for the 2 miles you do but I’m sure that gently, gently your rides will increase in distance but please be careful. Are cream cakes allowed? If so enjoy them. Take care.

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  13. Glad to hear from you Carni. I don’t post very often (apart from the last few days) so I’m not up to date with everyone. Didn’t know about C hope you settle down with these tablets. To be honest I’ve never heard of them. A big hug from me. Stay positive.

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