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Posts posted by nonnaB

  1. Interesting reading. There are a few english speaking italians here and one thing that gets me is that the english teachers were taught american english. "A" in english is pronounced "a" as in cat. But "A" is pronounced here as in bleck. When my grandchildren come out with a wrong pronuciation, I correct them. They usually say we've been taught like that. I tell them to tell the teacher that its wrong. Some like it , some don't . But oh.....we are English and proud of it.!

    • Upvote 2
  2. He's very odd. You never know how to take him. Ask him "how much". "Ah about 500". Hes led a very sheltered life just him and his brother. He never seems to wash himself you cant understand what he's talking about but hes cheap and very obliging. He only does simple repairs and won't touch anything electronic.I make sure my husband is in when he comes as he can understand him better than i can.

    Once he came to fit a new pièce to the dish washer and when he'd finished there was an extra pièce left.we never did find where it belonged but the dish washer lasted another couple of years.

    I must changed the spelling corre tino a sit keeps cutting in with italian and i have to go back to correct. See what i mean. A couple orti es is left works that aren't correct!!!! Rubbish

    • Upvote 1
  3. Mary, I can understand your grandson 's passion for trains, the station was always exciting I used to love it. It was draughty, cold, smelly and noisy but it meant we were going somewhere. A pity they are closing them all down. Our local station ( only a local train ) closed a couple of years ago . The bus isn't the same. It causes so much confusion on market day.

    Margie , I know what you mean I baby sit my grandchildren and the eldest one also 11 has just bought himself a phone. It seems like it's the extension of his arm. We get messages from him at midnight. " Nonna are you" and perhaps I only saw him 10 minutes before.

  4. Ian I don't know why dogs don't foul the grass if there are bottles of water on it but here they put them outside front doors to stop the cats from marking. I've always thought it was because the water reflected an image bigger than them whatever it is, it works, I know as we have about 19 stray cats near us. Next door are cat lovers and they feed them at least we're not usually bothered with mice.

  5. My grand children love to bake and help me bake. Most of all they love to help at Christmas time to make gingerbread houses. They enjoy icing and decorating with sweets etc. the other day my middle grandson made a cake with his sister, it was so good and light and he was so pleased. A few days later I made the. Same cake and it was a disaster it sank. When I told him he just said" ah you see I'm special" when they come to me they always ask what I've made.

    • Upvote 4
  6. I too have fond memories of the arboretum. My dad used to take my brother and I at Easter time to roll our hard boiled eggs down the hill. Last time I went was with visitors and we saw a little squirrel with a marathon paper. Wrapper in his paws. Wasn't quick enough to take a photo though. Lovely photos caftan. Can I say hello to a friend who is on photo? Hello "L "did you make your pear jam?

    • Upvote 1
  7. Thankyou everyone for being concerned. Every thing is ok. It wasn't as bad as the weather forecast expected I think they'd been talking to Michael Fish. Woke up this morning to find lovely blue sky with the odd black cloud. "The calm after the storm" At least this morning we can see the mountains and I actually saw a rainbow.

    • Upvote 6
  8. Thanks everyone. The house fortunately is quite safe. It's an old farmhouse, typical Piedmont cascina with walls almost 60 cm thick so it would have to be a pretty tough tornado to do any damage. It's outside I'm worried about at the back of the house the land is uphill. It rained so badly that the land couldn't hold any more and it seeped through the walls and we had water coming through power points. Very worrying. At the moment it's raining very heavily, the dogs want to go outside, put their noses out and do a u turn.