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Posts posted by Brew

  1. Manufacturers admit to planned obsolescence, if things never broke or wore or needed replacing they would soon be out of business.


    It was suggested many moons ago the machine tool industry built machines that were virtually bomb proof. They didn't break, never wore out or needed replacing. The consequence was they became stagnant with little development whilst l the rest of the caught world up and quickly overtook them.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Cliff Ton said:



    You walked down Lister Gate and turned left past C & A into Broad Marsh.


    Nearly, you walked past Dunn & Co and turned left into Board Marsh. where we met in the cafe every morning for the worst cup of stewed tea in the world before walking up Drury hill steps to Weekday Cross. 

    The last house up the steps was still occupied by an old guy who, when the weather permitted, sat outside the front door on a dining chair, and seemed quite content with life. As a callow youth I didn't really pay him much attention, now i wished i had and heard his story.


    The only time I ever went in the Tower was on the way home and before I took my first sip a riot broke out. The large glass globe pendants shattering and the bar shutters slamming don should have told me to leave, but being totally sozzled I stayed and watched until the police arrived threw me out. i was most put out they wouldn't let me take my beer with me.



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  3. 15 hours ago, Oztalgian said:

    Many have blamed thirteen years of decline under successive Conservative governments. Others say that cuts proposed by the City Council will only make matters worse. Rushcliffe and Broxtowe came second and third respectively.


    Reading the report is not exactly an exercise in impartial copy writing. Anna Mcshane, the author, is a contributor to the 'Labour List', yet another left wing think tank. 

    'The New Britain Project' is little more than thinly disguised left wing propaganda.


    Looking at the research the top four metrics are:


    The Urban poor

    The Red Wall

    The Soft Left


    Their titles not mine...


    The vast majority of disaffected in the report are Labour voters. Hardly surprising then that the Tories are the whipping boys...


    There seems no mention or criticism of councils spending policies, no mention of the lavish spending of any council, not even Nottingham. It's always Westminster  who are to blame.


    On the topic of Nottingham:

    Now the trams have admitted failure and narrowly avoided  going the same way as the other prestige projects it's  proposed to extend the system based on the premise that spending millions more is the only way to save it from bankruptcy - really?

  4. 1 hour ago, DJ360 said:

    Labour also don't seem to have too many Gavin Williamsons and other spotty schoolboys trying to play with the big boys


    A post crying out for a worrabout session if ever there was one.


    The sale of out national treasures as some would have it were in many cases actually forcibly taken from their rightful owners by a Labour government when they nationalised everything they could lay their hands on.

    When the blessed Margret offered them for sale we, the great unwashed along with Sid and his mates, went for it big time and many ordinary folk made a tidy profit.  Politicians are like people and where there is a change to make money, they will go go for it.


    Inflation now in spite of the howling is not that high at under 4% and let us not forget Blair/Brown failed to hold down inflation and dumped responsibility for it, and interest rates on the Bank of England to give themselves a 'get out of jail' card.


    Tories already blaming Labour? of course they are, just as Labour will blame future failures on the Tories. Nothing much in that direction ever changes.


    1 hour ago, DJ360 said:

    They don't seem to be populated with blatant crooks like Schapps, Jenrick, Mone and all the others,


    True, but then again they've not been in power for awhile so have not had the opportunity to get their snouts in the trough, however harking back a few names come to mind:








    Mandelson... there's many morel All Labour and all had nefarious dealings of one sort of another...

  5. I've been reading about levelling up for the East Midlands. It seems we are to become the East Midlands County Combined Authority by amalgamating Derby City Council, Derbyshire County Council, Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council.  I'm not at all sure it will be a benefit to us. It seems HMG will dole out money to the EMCCA to do with what they will. With the current record to hand I won't hold my breath. All II can see is more expense to service another layer of bureaucracy.


    The usual meaningless blurb is spouted by those involved, each promising unicorns and rainbows for everyone but hiding the fact that three of the four are on the verge of collapse. No mention of the massive debts, or if they will use their new powers to raise local taxes to cover them. 


    A cynic might say it's a neat sidestep by HMG to shift the blame for failure away from Westminster, and that when our inglorious leaders can't blame central government I predict they will turn and blame each other. As ever it will always be someone else to blame and as ever the ratepayer left with the wrong end of the stick.


    The two city councils are Labour, the counties are Conservative. I wonder what the mayor of the new authority will be when elected in May?

  6. 5 hours ago, letsavagoo said:

    ou and dj sparring and dominating a subject likely to be of little interest to most Nottstalgia members.


    It may appear so sometimes yet strangely enough the political topic is almost universally  read, let's not confuse lack of participation with lack of interest.

    When a subject starts to dominate and is irrelevant to the topic, we have an excellent moderator who will move it to the appropriate heading - or even create a new one.


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  7. 2 hours ago, letsavagoo said:

    Like audiofoolery that’s your opinion and subjective. But as you and dj have gone on to post further on the subject I just may have been correct.


    You've lost me... what is my opinion and what am I being subjective about?

    You said "don't do it" I merely pointed you that you did something you asked us not to,  so what may you have just been correct about?

    One more point. Tongue in cheek or not if you don't want a topic to continue, asking a question, facetious though it may be, is hardly the way to do it, it invites a reply and engagement does it not?

  8. 25 minutes ago, DJ360 said:


    I'm fairly sure you know I'm not going to be impressed.

    Reading that is quite frankly pretentious nonsense, sales upspeak for the gullible. The writer claims a small but significant improvement in sound quality without saying how they achieve it. They even admit the 'brick'  is perfectly serviceable and the LPSU is, in so many words, simply a £500 prestige accessory. Little is said about what it brings to the party, it's there almost as an after thought, a marketing placebo.


    I expected it would be some technical wizardry of filters and smoothing caps to deliver a pure signal free of distortion. It's not It's a linear supply and as such is not as efficient as the swich mode 'brick. They also cost less to manufacture than a switch mode.

    Quite how it affects the sound is beyond me but hey, each to their own, if you're happy so am I...:victory:

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  9. A major problem is the outdated 1970's organisation structure. The NHS is the third or fourth largest employer in the world (depending how you count it), and employs over 4% of the UK working population. 


    Total number of employees is 1.7 million of which less than a third (483,000), have any medial qualifications. this includes doctors. nurses, midwives and health visitors. What the other one million plus are doing for their money is anyone's guess.

    I'm no accountant but it seems unsustainable to me...

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  10. True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant.

    To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family" of course it was, silly me for thinking anything else... Her husband is a different kettle of fish altogether and in no way offered any sort of apology. A demonstration of the unacceptable face capitalism made flesh.



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