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Posts posted by Brew

  1. I'm not sure about Banksy. He is clever at superimposing things onto pictures that are not of his making and then stencilling them on a wall - but is that art?

    Is what he does any more worthy than dozens of other 'street artists' who, as Mr Mayfield said. show real talent but choose to display it in the wrong place? at least what they do is all their own work. Now days we look down on the advert for Pears soap that used Millais' picture of a child blowing bubbles as being kitsch - is Banksy girl with a balloon any different?

    In a world where unmade beds, piles of bricks and dead animals are 'art' I must have a fortune in my garage...

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  2. Ah but a picture of a man serving mushy peas is just that, no more to be said. A picture of a wooden post however raises many interesting  points for discussion. Lets see; is it a post or a stake? maybe its a paling or even a pole. When  does a stake become a post and when does a post become a pole? These are things we should be told.

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    I met young Asian girl (18) some years ago (long story) who's father was a race relations officer. She told me they couldn't be racist because they were Asian. It has been instilled into her that only whites are racist.

    She was not allowed Caucasian friends and males where untouchable.

    His reasoning? He was defending their culture... now where have I heard that before...

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