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Posts posted by Brew

  1. Sometime in the late '50s (I was still at school) I saw an electric car on Canal St. I saw it a couple of times driven by an elderly gent who wore very formal clothes that included a winged collar.

    I don't know if it was one of these but the nearest picture I can find is of an American Detroit Electric Car. It looked the same (from memory) but then again it was fifty years ago.

    I've searched in vain to find a British car but there doesn't appear to be any and no one I've spoken to can remember it, I didn't dream it honest!

  2. The main problems with NiFe batteries is the sheer size of them plus cost. A typical 12v array would be 25" long, 4" wide, 13 inches tall and weigh around 75lbs  NiFe are usually individual cells costing anything from £100 to £300 per cell, ( you need 10 for 12v).

    They were used, still are in some places, for protection back up systems in sub-stations and there is a growing market for those users who want to go 'off grid',

    A 12v system would set you back about  £1000+ A system to power your house would be tens of ,000s

  3. As of today (29/07/17 - 14:00) the total electricity demand in the UK is 28.5 Giga Watts. And this is a weekend, not a work day

    The total number of wind turbines is 7163.

    7163 turbines are producing 3.55 Giga Watts.

    Any guesses how many more turbines we need to meet present demand never mind the  future?

  4. It seems some Universities are penalising students who use gender specific words, "he" "she" etc so I looked into it and here is a list pf preferred alternatives.

    If these radical looney tunes insist on what is actually a form of oppression why do they still demand a salutation before a name (Ms, Mz etc) If they object to Miss, Mrs, Madam why not do away with them altogether and simply state their name?

    Aimee Challenor, the Green Party’s 19-year-old equalities spokesperson claims "trans and non-binary deserve better". (newspaper quote)

    What the hell is a non-binary?

    Next we will have to start thinking of none gender indicative names. You can't be Janet or Mary they're  female, you can't be James or John...

    I don't know how such a small proportion of the population manage to have such a large influence or why some (non-gender specific) people go along with this rubbish.


    "Best man for the job" – Best person for the job
    "Businessman/woman" –  Businessperson, manager, executive
    "Chairman" – Chair, chairperson, convenor, head
    "Charwoman, cleaning lady" – Cleaner
    "Craftsman/woman" – Craftsperson, craft worker
    "Delivery man" – Delivery clerk, courier
    "Dear Sirs" – Dear Sir/Madam (or Madam/Sir)
    "Fireman" – Fire-fighter
    "Forefathers" – Ancestors, forebears
    "Foreman/woman" – Supervisor, head juror
    "Gentleman’s agreement" – Unwritten agreement, agreement based on trust
    "Headmaster/mistress" – Head teacher
    "Housewife" – Shopper, consumer, homemaker (depends on context)
    "Layman" – Lay person
    The list goes on and on, .

  5. #15


    My forefathers probably fought for equality - so long as there was little chance of achieving it. I remember an instance as a child listening to my grandparents arguing when grandma said " huh, you always think you know more than me", to which granddad replied "of course I know more than you, I'm a man"!

    Of course that was then, in this more enlightened day and age I give my better half full autonomy to decide when to do the laundry, sweep the drive, go shopping, clean the house..............

    • Upvote 2
  6. From the HP site for your laptop:


    Connecting speakers:

    You can attach wired speakers to your computer by connecting them to USB ports (or the audio-out jack) on your computer or on a docking station. To connect wireless speakers to your computer, follow the device manufacturer's instructions. 

  7. I think this advice falls into the same category as the bar peanuts warning.

    'Don't eat peanuts or nibbles from the little dish on the bar because some people haven't washed their hands after going to the toilet'

    • Upvote 1
  8. It might not be their fault. they may have a 'smartphone' like mine - supposedly smart, except it's not.

    For something purporting to be one of the technological wonders of the age it's actually as dumb as a stump.

    Mine regularly forgets to come out with me and if it does remember takes delight in dialing random people in my contact list just because it can.

    • Upvote 2