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Posts posted by Brew

  1. If you want to see your credit rating just Google 'free credit checks'. use a throw away mail address etc.


    I remember in the 90's Talbot house needed to upgrade their electrical supply to meet the demand of the computers. We installed two 1200 kVa transformers and cabled them with 1200mm cable, two per phase (the electricians among us will know just how big those monster cables are) and two 11 thousand volt feeds for security. all this just to run a computer system.

     They needed to shed as much load as possible whilst we did the change over so they fired up their emergency back up generator, an enormous diesel engine that even on minimal load overheated and died within twenty minutes. The guy on site told us that being 'offline' was costing £100,000 an hour as they are one of the major credit card processors in the UK.

  2. Oztalgian try using a VPN to watch out of geographical TV etc. I regularly use one to watch stuff in the US, it's really easy to setup. The only downside is there can be a degree of 'lag' that can make the stream stutter, but it's not often that happens. The way I stop that is to start the programme and then press pause, let the stream download (watch the progress bar) and when it's an inch or so press play and watch with no lag.

    Advantages include watching US TV series before they get here and the Danish crime series that are shown on the BBC with sub titles I watch with English dialogue.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I thought I saw a UFO once. In '70s I was sent to Oxford by work and decided on a very early start in order to there for 7am, down the M1 off at the A45 and follow the road they said, all very much pre satnav, So, it's about 3am and pitch black when it appeared.

    Hovering about twenty or thirty feet off the ground, spaceship shaped, glowing a bright golden colour and looking really malevolent. I stopped, my heart pounding, mouth suddenly dry and decidedly not a happy bunny.

    In the true tradition of the daft I thought "don't know what you are or where you're from but I'm coming through or I'll be late" and drove on. Closer and closer...I want me mam this is getting creepy... Turns out when I got really close it was a barrage balloon tethered to the ground at a military base and lit from below with sodium lights hence the strange glow.

    No change of underwear required but Oh boy was it close.    :Shock:

    • Upvote 2
  4. Because he said the flexi was the culprit and likely to happen again  I agreed to have it piped in copper tube.

    It's not £85 for just the first half hour, it's for every half hour or part of. If after 5pm it goes up to £110 (£220 pr hr) but as the call was made before 5 they kept the pre 5 price throughout.

    The meter was attended to by National Grid free of charge.

    There was no smell of gas anywhere but the NG guy detected a weeping joint on the meter (outside meter box). He put it down to the sealing compound hardening over time. The drop was half a millibar after three minutes and 1 millibar after ten.

  5. Central heating not working so called 'the man'. I can come out after bank holiday, the charge is £85 per half hour. Wow, but it's freezing so went ahead. There's a loose wire in the boiler that was reconnected but on testing found a small gas pressure drop (1mb). Leak traced to probable pinhole in flexible pipe feeding hob. How much to repair? £504 sir. Well it's a gas leak it's either fixed there and then or the gas is capped off until it is repaired. OK go ahead. New pipe work fitted, tested and... there's still a gas leak! It's now nearly midnight. Leak traced to the bleddy outside meter!

    National grid to the rescue to sort out meter and finally at 2am gas is back on and I'm almost £600 poorer.

    You call a bricklayer a 'brickie', an electrician a 'sparky', a joiner a 'chippie' but a plumber you'd better call 'sir'!

    This is not the sort of 'result' I was looking for though no doubt 'sir' thought it  great.

  6. Right click on Blank space on Desktop. Select view, select large, medium or small icons ...........    or


    Right click on Blank space on Desktop Select Themes, icons are to the left ...or


    In Winders 10 RIGHT click as above. Select display settings... go to advanced settings... scroll down to Advanced sizing of text and other items. Use the drop down box to select icons...

  7. On the first visit by my bride to be to meet my parents the gas ran out and it was 'who's got a bob for the meter' None to be had and mam panicking that the food in the fridge will spoil, it was a gas fridge. The date was Apr 1 and no amount explaining would convince the her that the fridge ran on gas and it was not an April Fools prank. This rather spoiled my little scheme. After showing her a gas fridge I had  intended telling her the telly ran on gas too.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I went to join the navy once. They said "can you swim"? I said "why?, you got no boats left"?

    So I tried the army. "Do you want to learn a trade? no.. Do you want to see the world... no.. Oh, why do you want to join the army then... I wanna shoot people...


    Joking aside I was actually accepted for the officers training malarkey. On the day I had the letter offering a place at uni  that evening a major and a colour sergeant in full dress uniform came to the door to sign me up, I'd done the personnel selection tests some weeks previously and passed apparently.  Ah a dilemma, Uni or Army.  As one does in such situations one turns to ones elders and betters for advice. Dad what do you think I should do?       "Gerraht the way of the telly is what yer'll do". When you arrive at one of life's crossroads it's good to know such sterling advice and guidance is there to help you on your way.

    • Upvote 2
  9. Some time ago I had one these guys call and introduced himself as representing a cavity wall insulation company authorised to offer a Gas board subsidised quote. I rang the Gas Board and yes it was kosher. OK so far so good, £210 for insulating a detached house seemed a good deal so went for it. They said that they will drill holes through the outer brick about a 1.5 metres apart in a grid pattern and fill it with insulation and once inside it meets up. Two hours of horrendous drilling, a truck pumping the stuff in and we're finished. The problem is I'm the sort that checks these things and had access to an infra-red camera (black and white picture at that time). The bloody house looked like a Dalmation dog!. I could clearly see the round patches where there was insulation and even bigger areas where there was none. I did complain but it turned out the machine was low on material so they had doubled the drill spacing thinking it would still do the job, (how the hell does that work?).

    There's nothing we can do now they said except try again but the special offer has ended so I will have to pay for a survey and the full cost of redoing it.

    After several imprecations calling into question his parentage I refused and threatened legal action but of course it was just hot air, I never did and I still have a house with partial cavity wall insulation. Caveat emptor.

  10. I'm with FLY on fishing, boring as hell and not to say just as cruel as fox hunting, badger baiting, hare coursing etc

    Sitting in a boat admiring the scenery and pondering how I made such a stupid decision to get in one in the first place I can relate to - but fishing?... Nah

    • Upvote 2
  11. I remember an aunt had a knitting machine and produced some really good stuff for my cousins. The problem was that when my career advisor at school suggested 'knitting' as a job I could only imagine sitting at one these machines whacking the thing side to side for hours and then hand sewing the pieces together and so rejected it outright.  By a strange twist of fate my first 'proper' qualification was HNC in textiles from the then Nottingham Technical College and became part of the quality control dept; for Rouquinet who made fabric for ladies underwear (elastic girdles).

    This has made me think. Every company I've ever worked for no longer exists, even the mighty electricity board is no longer around. If you count all the temporary/part time jobs whilst at uni that's quite a big number.

     Do you think I'm a jinx?