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Everything posted by Gemcorma

  1. Beware the Derby "Duck" thieves. On a coach trip through Europe recently a small group of Derby folk were telling the rest of us Nottingham folk that "ayup me duck" was a Derbyshire saying. Even in hotels and restaurants they were trying to get the waiters to say "ayup me duck" and telling them it was Derbyshire lingo.
  2. Many years ago I worked on the Trent Polytechnic building as an electrician and at lunchtime two or three or four of us used to go for a pint in the Dophin on North Church Street. One day one of the lads who lived in the Meadows told us it was his wife's birthday so we asked him what he had bought her, "An om pom" he said. A what? "an om pom" he said, what's an om pom? We asked. You know, he said, one of them kits a woman uses to do 'er own 'air. The rest us fell about laughing when we realised he mean a "Home perm".
  3. Northern Baths closed down years ago and is now used as a place of worship. The white building on the left of the picture is gone now too, and the site now has house built on it. It used to be the offices (I think it was offices) of the motorcycle makers Brough who had their factory on Haydn Road. In the early 1900s Brough was a famous manufacturer of motorcycles. The famous Lawrence of Arabia was a fan of Brough motorcycles and owned eight! Unfortunately he was killed on a Brough Superiour in 1935 while not wearing a crash helmet.
  4. Ayup, new member here. In the early 1960s I worked as an apprentice electrician at W.H.Tew`s on Bertram St. Off Crocus St. One day I was sent to a house on Mabel Street where the old lady who lived there had lost power. The old brown twisted flex on her living room ceiling light was so old it had cracked and blown a fuse. I took the fuse out of it`s box and put it to one side while I replaced the flex but the old lady moved the fuse and it fell down a crack between some floorboards. Taking up a couple of boards I felt for the fuse but there was nothing below, I shone my torch down bu
  5. I`m new to this site and not native to the "Medders" but I used to work for W.H. Tew off Crocus Street in the 1960s. I sometimes wander around the area though and was wondering why the houses on Arkwright walk were being demolished.