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Posts posted by Waddo

  1. I think different people's constitution also has a bearing on this.I can give you a perfect example, my wife and I go to India for the winter, now me, I was dragged up in st Ann's (no comment please) and worked in the construction industry for over 40years, the missus, good upbringing, hygeinically (real word?) perfect and worked in catering. Both eat the same food, drink the same liquids and generally have pretty much the same stuff throughout our stay. The first week or so, she gets Delhi belly, bearing in mind, India is not the most hygienic place in the world, then settles down, me, no problem. I put it down to not being isolated from all the germs that we had when a child. 

  2. Margie, it's nice to know that there is some decorum, unfortunately i have not come across it these last few years. I still say that moral standards on the whole have declined as far as children in restaurants are concerned. Good on you for bringing your children up correctly, and that's been passed on. And know, i am not being patronizing, just sincere.

  3. Whatever happened to,  children behaving in restaurants ? It seems like kids can refuse their food because the game on the phone/tablet is more important. Or they can run around willy nilly. In my day, and no doubt in yours, you got taken out for a meal and had to behave. Discipline has gone out of the window it seems.

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  4. My first flight was in 1969 to Barcelona from castle donington, absolutely hated it, don't know what the plane was but i was seated at the side of the propellers!. I still don't like flying, but tolerate it to get anywhere in a reasonable time. Sooner go by boat, if then there's a problem, at least I can swim further than i can fly!!

  5. Yes Alpha, your right with those maths,but you haven't allowed for the "government" twist, e.g. 2.4 old pence= 1 new pence. But because there was no .1 of a new penny they rounded up everything thereby gaining extra revenue. This swindle (my opinion) could possibly get shoved into the politics section. I said at the time we would lose out, but not knowing about politics and the devious ways, couldn't explain why. Let's have the Euro and see how we lose out again !!