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Posts posted by Waddo

  1. 1 hour ago, Brew said:

    There's a memory for you, schooners of Australian sherry from Yates Wine Lodge, god that was awful stuff

    My friends and I, or notts speak, me n me mates were on the ausi sherry in yates, on leaving, one lived in lenton, told me a couple of days later that when he got on the bus,he thought he wanted to go to the toilet, when he got off the bus, he had !! He never went in yates ever again!! Reckons that stuff paralyes the nerves from the neck down.

  2. My mother and father were in the raf based at swinderby (just before my time) and lived in a cottage in collingham, i was hatched at Newark hospital and apparently moved to st Ann's when I were about 4months old. My dad knew a guy who had a farm in Eagle, his name was Cyril ........ I did know his surname, but buggered if I can remember it. The one thing I remembered about Cyril was, although a smoker, never used an ashtray, he would always flick his ash into his trouser turn up!!.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Beekay said:

    Think of all the snooker cues you can chalk and lines you can draw with that lot !!

    You could put your painting talent to use, doing those chalk paintings (chalkings!) on pavements and get a few bob for your efforts, no expenses=100% profit, just stay below your tax allowance and its win win.

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  4. The only reason that your friends have had problems is because it was not done correctly. Unfortunately there are plenty of cowboys out there that will pick up on the slightest hint of no knowledge. As I said earlier, weeds will not grow up from beneath if it's been done correctly. That applies to Any sort of paving, be it slabs, blocks, asphalt, shingle etc.

  5. 2 hours ago, carni said:

    I always have to look up at the bedroom window of the room my daughter was born in as we pass. Aah. memories.

    Would that also be the same room as the conception took place? Only wondering,with the remark, Aah memories. Nudge nudge, wink wink.

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  6. Right then, lets get this one sorted. It doesn't matter what you put down, if it's done correctly weeds will not grow UP from the surface, they are deposited from our feathered friends and windblown seeds. However, no matter what you put down, weeds, moss etc will be there at some time or other. So choose your finish, do it right and just be prepared to do a bit of annual cleaning.

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