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Posts posted by Waddo

  1. 19 minutes ago, loppylugs said:

    Mrs. L was talking about an article she read about guys putting their wallets in their back pocket and that it could cause lower back pain and thus better to put it in a side pocket.

    Strangely enough, a few years ago i was travelling down to Bristol to my fathers for the weekend, and when I arrived i had a pain in my right thigh. Noticing that I was walking strange, i explained that I had a pain,  whereupon he replied that he used to get the same thing when he drove up to ours. He found it was his wallet causing the problem, after that I always remove mine before driving any distance, never had a problem since !.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

    However, the moggies are fond of bluebottles and spiders...which aren't insects. I'm told they taste like prawns?

    You got talking cats Jill? blimey,You could earn some money with those!.

    • Like 2
  3. 8 hours ago, plantfit said:

    not sure of the idea of using liquid nitrogen

    They use liquid nitrogen in bulky concrete pours to give a more consistent batch, as the chemical reaction of cement creates heat, the LN will effectively let the concrete cure more evenly ( simplified). One example where it would have been useful would have been in the construction of the Hoover dam. But I don't think the idea was around then.

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  4. 5 hours ago, denshaw said:

    Also people going to India for eye operations.

    Three friends of ours came to India this year and had new lens in their eye's £750.00 each eye, 20 minutes op no risk of cataracts in the future and absolutely no pain. How much in the uk?. Two of our friends reckon that what they saved  on the uk price has more than paid for the trip, with change to spare!!


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  5. In the photo from Clifton, there is a chimney at players that I worked on the year before it closed down. Our company is literally a stones throw from the site and it makes me sad to think that I remember seeing the place built, worked on the site and now it's gone!!. What a waste of a good building. What's going to take it's place?. Any suggestions?. (Unless somebody already knows!!)

  6. Yes i did like a bit of giddy up occasionally, took the 'tomcat' round snetterton on a track day, overall cost_£600.00 that included tyers, fuel, new discs(old one's went a funny colour and cracked) pads and track time. A damm expensive day really, but good fun. Now I just use the bike and do the odd track day at donnington don't cost a fraction and more fun.