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Posts posted by Waddo

  1. Just to put my bit in, for what it's worth, it seems to me that there is a vendetta going on here amongst a few members. Me, i won't take side's with anyone but, if this site is about nostalgia i think some folks need to think about what they post. 

    At the end of the day, have your say by all means, but just skip the posts that don't interest you, i do and I'm sure others do. It's a great site with loads of info donated by all, so stop squabbling.

    • Like 5
  2. Just seen this thread and blimey, it brings back some memories. Especially Bonny Bill, i remember seeing him at the White Hart lenton performing his tricks on his bike. My then mate Rob used to live just around the corner from the White Hart and i wasn't old enough to have a motorbike, but we used to go and watch them all race up the road to Abbey bridge and back. Bonny Bill used to win most time's. His Bonneville had flat bars and a few tweaks to the engine and he always looked too small for the bike. Looking back, i suppose that's what got hooked into motorbikes, great day's back then.

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  3. Right then, here's one for the computer boffins, following on from my previous problem, my tablet used to show in 'large print ' but wouldn't let me reply ect. Now, it responds when in 'huge print' ! Does it know my eye's are failing?, and simply not bothering to let me use it? If so, how on earth does it know?

  4. help please, just today I've noticed that i can't do anything, reply, comment or anything on my kindle regarding the site. I've logged out and back in, rebooted it, getting to the stage where the next reboot is out of the window!!. all appears ok on my phoneso must be something I've done on the kindle. it keeps telling me "field required" but it won't let me do anything. any ideas please?