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Posts posted by Waddo

  1. 2 hours ago, philmayfield said:

    Cooper and Roe, knitwear, had a factory on Alfred St. as well as the one on Carlton Hill. Not been in since the 60’s though.

    I remember the knitwear factory but not the name! I wouldn't have thought that a knitwear factory would have a tower though! So might not be the same place.

  2. 11 hours ago, IAN123. said:

    Fothergills Church Hall can be seen.

    Ay up Ian, you're not on about the church hall on woodborough rd are you? Cos I cant see it!. If you mean the tall building at the top left, that's some factory on Alfred st central if my memory serves correctly. Can't remember the name of it though.

  3. If you look at the photo somewhere on here of commercial square, st Ann's, you will see a phone box. Behind it, you can't see, was a telephone junction box that was handy for tying the washing line that I had borrowed to. While just standing innocently by the box,folks would go and make a call, while they were busy talking, i would go round and round the phone box, securing the door. Then scarper to a safe distance and watch them try to get out. Got recognized once and ended up with a sore backside from my dad.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Stavertongirl said:

    I have had cats since then, but must admit never a ginger one.

    Went out with a ginger haired girl once, she were the same!!.

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  5. Have often wondered, what are your oldest memories?. Mine go back to remembering,being pushed to the end of st Ann's Well rd in a push chair by a lady, named Peggy (she looked after me when my mom and dad were busy working. I also remember being taken to the nursery inbetween bath st park and the park where Bendigo lion is, can't remember the name!!) Going to Shelton st infants, ask me what I was doing a week ago, and I struggle to remember!!. Lots of things in detail about my childhood from infant to about 8. Anyone else?

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  6. Thanks bamber, that's cleared that up. Maybe you can answer my next one, what were the contacts made of at the end of trolley poles?. At first I thought carbon/graphite but surely that would wear away quickly if they're rubbing along wire!. Then I thought brass, but again, even though brass is self lubricating, they would wear just the same! Or were they changed on a regular basis?.