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Posts posted by Waddo

  1. My tablet boo booed, his name was Les not Lee. And although we all started with 'Scalextric ' ours was hand built cars and tracks, so I don't think Les would have anything to do with what we would have classed as kiddys stuff. I went out with his daughter for a while, although her brother (Rob) and I used to knock around together, he never knew, they hated each other.

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  2. 3 hours ago, IAN123. said:

    Clay roof tiles were everywhere around me as a youth..

    Where we used to live (Norfolk) they were Norfolk pan tiles. Bleddy useless things if you ask me. I know you wernt asking, just my opinion.

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  3. I'm with you on that one Phil, but when you give a cyclist a friendly ,'pap ' on the horn to let them know that you are there, and they stay two or three abreast, and then put two fingers up to you after, I call that damm right ignorant, or very brave/stupid. I know a few folks that would not think twice about stopping in front of them and wrapping the bikes around they're neck.

  4. 7 hours ago, IAN123. said:

    Not many'd know how to rope and sheet today.

    I don't think many new lorry drivers know how to tie there shoe laces never mind sheet and rope a load. My father in law, took pride in his skills of securing his load. He also taught three of his sons to do the same. But like has been said, curtain siders and the likes have taken over. Strange though, i see a lot more ratchet straps lying on the roads than I ever did with sheets and ropes, and curtain siders with loads bulging out of one side. Still i suppose that's progress for you!!

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  5. Now this is the part that I don't fully understand, cyclists, which in the vulnerability stakes, rank one up from pedestrians and one below motorcyclist are allowed to effectively race on the public highway. My insurance is null and void if I did that on my motor bike or car !!. Also when out on my bike, I do tend to ride more defensively than in a car, because I know how vulnerable i am. But the groups of cyclists,as stated, think that they are above the law. Please feel free to enlighten me,!!

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