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Posts posted by Waddo

  1. Not being able to directly speaking to a human being to cancel my tv license for the period of absence that I go away. And then after canceling the direct debit, getting numerous emails, with a, 'do not reply ' message, with all sorts of threats. Bullying from the BBC is what i call it!!

  2. I also remember them, and used to love em. I thought that they tasted differently, the last time I had a packet. Must have been the lack of chloroform!, Although the missus never answered me, when I asked her if the rag i was holding up to her nose, smelt of chloroform !!

    • Like 3
  3. Hi fogrider, not a train buff, but I remember seeing a turntable down there when I went trainspotting as a lad. Maybe a train buff will confirm, but whilst on the subject, can any one tell me, was the station dug out or was the ground formed naturally and then used for it's purpose?