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Posts posted by HSR

  1. On 11/30/2020 at 8:12 AM, radfordred said:

    West End Arcade

    Other way round @mary1947 it was an escalator until that youth lost his toe, it's now stairs! 


    Parliament St end, bottom of the escalator on the left  there was a great full English cafe.

    Opposite corner a wig shop, girlfriend made a purchase, purple wig for a fancy dress party. 

    I'm sure their were other hairdressing related shop's Parliment St side of West End Arcade earlier.. at or very near to the entrance, recall scary Polystyrene Busks... :mellow:




  2. 2 hours ago, Stuart.C said:

    There are old photos on this link of Market St.

    Including picture 3 showing Griffins main corner building and the misalignment by half a floor of the adjacent buildings.




    Stuart, I can't view the link you posted, but you mention misalignment, I remember the building directly facing main Selectadisc, a restaurant, always struck me as odd, the windows seemed to be partially below street level.

  3. 3 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:

    The Debenhams store in Nottingham seemed designed to keep customers captive by confusing and disorientating them.  It was just a large number of small rooms and spaces connected by stairs, corridors and passageways. I could never find my way from one department to another; you just went round in circles.


    One of the best arguments for online shopping you could find.


    Recall a lovely wooden panelled staircase, resulting in an exit halfway up Market St! Freedom at last!;)

  4. Haven't sold anything to me for over ten years! Theres video footage out there that I won't see in it's 'definitive' form in my lifetime, has zero to do with technology..if given to the right hand's..


    I do get your point, Phil....

  5. BBC did run a "test ' 4k about four years ago, Wimbledon, also do recall a couple of episodes of Richard Attenborough, appeared dark to me.

    4k technology is now old news, simply a reworking of the 'HD Ready con'...unless you have  Netflix and Sky add on, sound familiar? 

    The more you push the resolution, the more you'll pay for a TV..if you want results, not to the retrograde of footage pre 1980.


    Why is regional TV not 'HD?

    Is it do to a  woeful inefficient service or the regional sharing of a number?

    Either way makes no sence to me!


  6. 5 hours ago, Beekay said:

    parade, but because of all the changes I'm lost.


    While I have no personal recollection of what your talking about BK., I do see what your saying. Haven't visited Nottingham since 1997, really struggle with Shakespeare St & Talbot, look for a focal point, occasionally a church is a saviour. Was looking at Alfreton Rd recently, ended up using a old 1920's photo and brickwork for a reference!

    Just one shop would be a great help...

  7. Like to know myself Jill, I do remember if you approached from the Parliment St side,  it did make an attempt to sell wallpaper. The set of stairs was on the extreme right hand side, little more than a set of ladder's  wide!

    Recall a long corridor area that sold haberdashery, perfume counter as a backdrop, to the left, a small area for footwear. Interesting building, had ceiling high drawers and cupboards in places.

  8. Live in Shropshire, previous dish had access to Nott's TV, 1080 is not available on standard freeview, I have no internet access, I assume you are using a internet variant? I was referring to Local news..

  9. 2 hours ago, mary1947 said:

    Waring and Gilow" sold class furniture

    "Baker n Plum"  Derby Rd  cash only shop

    Inderectly, I know both those names Mary,

    Mum still makes a point of pointing out that my inherited dining table is G plan ! 

    Must confess, lovely pice of smoked glass and iconic..

    Watched Abigail's Party about three months ago, I'd love to own that sofa!

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, DJ360 said:

    who made it.

    Bought a reel to reel, in the late 90's at a car boot..Appealed because it could record.

    Had about 40 reels, only ever listened to about 25 before machine died, mostly EMI and BASF, Bus Stop by the Hollies on one, roughly 61 to 66, still have the tapes, love to know who recorded this stuff, talk about a time capsule!

    Edit..sounded like a Bristol accent..love to return them, to where they belong..

  11. 14 hours ago, letsavagoo said:

    Well in answer to had a result lately. How about not had a result. I have a few cassette tapes with recordings of long gone relatives talking about their early life. There are some of my mum and one of my maternal grandfather talking about his childhood and of joining the army and fighting in France in WW1. As a lock down project I decided to transcribe the tapes. It’s been slow going as the arthritis I have makes my hands stiff and painful and additionally you have to keep going back a bit to catch what is being said and then wind back too far and finish up listening to parts you’ve already typed. To help the process I bought on eBay a transcribing tape machine with foot pedal. The great thing about this is the foot pedal. Press to play and when you stop the tape automatically rewinds a few seconds in a flash so when you resume play you pick up where you’re at. It’s a great help. Only cheap, perfect condition and works well with one exception. The power supply, one of those plug in wall blocks has a fault in the small plug that fits in the back of the machine is dodgy. By wiggling the wire and getting it ‘just so’ it does work but it’s a pain and recently getting worse being very temperamental. The plug to the machine is not a standard type and unique the these machines.  So I saw another similar machine on eBay with the same power supply listed as spares repairs as ‘no means to test it’. So not really being bothered about the actual machine I just want the power supply I bought it for just under a tenner posted. It arrived yesterday and is completely dead. Not a peep. I’ve found that it’s the power supply that is dead. There is no reason at all that the seller could not have plugged it in and seen it doesn’t power on. In fact I’d put money on that he/she did just that. Accepting it’s kind of my fault, I took a chance but I would be happier if the seller had said, ‘doesn’t power’ on rather than ‘no means to test it’.
    I’ve messaged the seller. Not a lot of money but I’m annoyed. Ironically the machine works fine with ‘my’ power supply when you try it and it’s in the mood to work. 


    What a wonderfully insightful thing, wish I had done the same and captured my relatives memories on tape.

    Get them digitalised!

    The machine your using sounds like a form of Dictaphone, also remember a few hi-fi decks with that marker feature,


    Faulty and unique power packs..over the years iv'e used blue tack, part's of matches, rubber bands, and silver foil and more.

    The UNIVERSAL serial bus? Lost the plot when it became micro,

    Digitise & back up..  worn out tapes and splicing is a nightmare!

    Good Luck..




  12. On 6/27/2009 at 12:56 AM, RockitRon said:

    Tales abounded of people jumping off various levels, and of residents of the 26th floor having to hold on for dear life when the wind blew, but I never actually witnessed anything of the sort.


    Do you remember the chap that, who saw his car being stolen, took to the outside scaffolding in his underwear?

    Passed by my mates window about 3.30am...bizarre sight...

    We thought nothing of it at the time! smile2

  13. On 12/9/2007 at 3:45 PM, Beefsteak said:


    I think the entrance to the bus station was upstairs and the supermarket that was downstairs was called 'Scan'


    Could be wrong..Wasn't this also called 'One Stop" about ? Got an Admiral England kit for Chrimbo? very itchy, think the material was a  'sweat reliever'. Badge transfer soon came off in the wash!!




  14. Before my time...Always struggled with this, would the location be where the main entrance to Victoria Centre is now?

    I remember Benson's roughly facing on Shakespeare St there was a old building, serving as Student Accommodation.

    Wasn't there a pub near the exit to Huntingdon St inside Vic Centre?

  15. John Axton, I really liked and dirty old town, wonderfully gritty & provoking..

    What was that critism. 'holding your ear thing?'


    I always try to keep my posts Nottingham based and the majority of the time something slightly relevant can inspire a memory.

    Recall a poet, used to come on between bands at the Runner, Sal, & other's.

    Looked very much like John Cooper Clarke, very good and did very similar material, to this day still unsure if it was the real deal. 

  16. Thank's Roger..

    Definitely my last,  I know this a guitar thread but think it applies to Nostalgia in general.

    I had roughly between 33 to 36 guitar's for about 15 years.

    What's interesting is what I subconsciously chose to keep...

    I now have 6, two strats, 60"s Epi' & 335, The other two are probably worth 160quid max, but to me, that ding was Wrexham, another the day I lost it and did a Pete Townsend, waking up in a tent with a mouthful of soil., i would never sell.

  17. Know all those pub''s... Vine, Lamp, Bath Inn, Marketside, sadly never went inside

    The overriding memory for me, is standing at the bus stop outside the King Billy on Manvers St, the smell of the beer was super strong. Would have been about 4 at the time! Never experienced anything like it since, maybe I developed a taste?


    Regarding Sheridan, was talking pre 1930's...Half Moon?

    Stuck in my mind as a member of the Trickett family was the landlord..

    Hardly a common name, and part of Sneinton folklore.