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Ta for the link, Mick. My site had its 5th birthday just recently.

The 1960s site look interesting. Wollypark has recently visited my blog leaving a comment that he would feature it on his own. That's reminded me I need to reciprocate and put his up on mine.

Posted it here before but here was a list of some of Nottingham's bloggers from a while back. Could do with updating as the nature of blogs tends to be a bit transient.

Nottingham's Bloggers

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Am I missing something about it? It seems to consist of about a dozen thumbnail pictures and a few paragraphs of text. Clicking on the "links" doesn't seem to go anywhere.

You're right, on further inspection there's not so much to see.

Why does Barnzes blog end in June 2011?

Maybe he hasn't the time or is disinclined to write?

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