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Does it still exist?! :) It was demolished in the 1960s, like most of Nottingham.

It looked like this (although here it was known as the News House).


And by the late 1960s the site looked like this (note the building on the right as a reference)


According to Picture the Past

From 1914 to 1931 this building was the Parliament Street Picture House. In 1931 it was renamed the British Cinema until in 1933 it became the Regal Super Cinema. From 1935 to 1956 it was the News House and then from 1956 to 1957 it was the Odd Hour Cinema.

And today.....


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Thank you very much for the information. I have made several attempts to find it again and it is sad news that the building has gone. I bought the Looney Tunes DVD owing to happy memories from the Odd Hour. On one occasion when my father took me there during his lunch break he parked the car at the bottom of Mansfield Rd almost opposite Victoria Station. When we returned we found the car about 100 yards further down the slope owing to a faulty hand brake. The fact that it had not hit anything shows how little traffic there was in the 50s.


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