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Good to see Besthorpe Nature Reserve in the news, with Egrets successfully breeding this year.

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Little Egrets have been present there for a few years now, good to see they are still there and breeding now. I've carried out a few bird survey's for the Notts wildlife trust at Besthorpe in recent years and the site seems to get better each year, disused gravel quarry's are like a magnet for wildlife of all types


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According to the news 16 fledglings, and the furthest north inland breeding ground. Will be interesting to see what other visitors we get now. I wonder how long it will take for the ospreys to take up residence, if they do. Looking forward to getting back to see how its all getting along. Had some great walks in the winter and enjoyed watching the regular visitors.

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Talking of birds out of area, I have been lucky enough to have a nuthatch on my bird feeder up here in Moffat. According to the book they don't very often venture this far up north.

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