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For once, the Evening Post - despite their new simplistic tabloid look - have come up with something interesting, albeit slightly gruesome.

This is Nottstalgia material, and I remember quite a few of these first time round.

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Quite a bit of extra information re "The Pretty Windows Murder" in there too.

Very interesting (In a morbid sort of way)

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My mum says she remembers the murder by lambley field. They used to tell us as kids he was beheaded and they still haven't found his head to scare us & stop us wandering too far!

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& am I the only one who's heard the rumours about Brodie being murdered by a gang who I shall not name then fed to some pigs? If it's true, that'll be why he hasn't been found....

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That's quite a list of unsolved, whilst looking down them I expected to see a case about a hitch hiker, young girl in her early twenties I believe, I understood a Sutton in Ashfield lad was questioned according to his brothers wife.

That aside, I am surprised they have time to chase up these old cases, one police force recently confessed to investigating only 40% of current crimes because of work load, and nearer to home, I asked the local force to get me details of a driver who damaged my vehicle whilst I was in it last June. They were given Reg No. Make & Colour, a simple routine task I would have thought. Chasing it up a few weeks ago, I was told it was on the to do list.

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