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I agree that the national Grid system is vulnerable to terrorist attacks. So is the water system (reservoirs?). And so are those ruddy windmills (bird shredders). If they want renewable energy why not water turbines. The Leen Valley once sustained a reasonable sized textiles industry driven mostly by water mills. And the River Leen is mostly just a gently flowing stream, especially around Papplewick where one of the mills was (and still is) situated. Modern turbines would be a lot more efficient that wheels and this country is seldom short of flowing water. Or would it not make enough Green Part backers rich enough. Or maybe it would not ruin the countryside enough.

I did read in one of the Sunday Papers (although it might the usual scaremongering Bullsh..) that they are or will be building fridges that can be remotely switched off at times of peak demand. And did I hear that the new meters being installed can also be controlled by the power supplier to up the tariff at any time to cut down on demand and discourage folk from using power.

Or is it just a cunning plan to cull lots of elderly who are terrified to use their heating in winter. Now that would save governments loadsa money. My opinions of such a plan are unprintable here.

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I hate to say this, but the generation that is now 60 years to 80 years of age were the last well educated generation passed out by government schools. Read what Universities say about new entrants..

Really pee's me off! We only have my partners low wage and my tax credits (barely anything) and we get a whole £2 off our rent ... And 0.4% off our council tax! Yet my partner works bloomin hard for m

I hate people my age who don't take the time to learn things, don't speak properly... I skived school a lot but I went to college to go and catch up on all I missed out on & to gain my GCSEs. My d

I'm afraid the Leen wouldn't flow much as it would be full of cardboard from looted Argos goods.

Don't get me on litter as I would have the perpetrators teeth knocked out with a lump hammer, knee caps shattered and fingers smashed.

There you go, you've done it!

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You can always spot the chavs abode by the pile of scratch cards, Stella and Red Bull cans, fag packets and Take-away containers.

What amazes me is, why do they need energy drinks when they lounge around doing f***all all day long.

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It takes a lot of energy to produce more babies. Anyway. If you want to see real chavs watch the Jeremy Kyle show. That is if it isn't too depressing.

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How can they afford all the fancy tattoos.


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Colly, if they are a gird tied system with no batteries, they will be useless ornaments if the grid goes down, they require a sync signal to start their inverter, no power no signal...Now some may use batteries for storage too, they would be an alternate expensive system, as grid tied inverters are almost double the price of standard inverters.

My system is off grid, with pure sine wave output with five banks of 24 volt batteries.

We are thinking of using a grid tied system for the workshop, that way we can keep the grid at no cost to us for emergencies.

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The US government has mandated that certain electrical appliances be made so they can be controlled via "smart meters" that are now being installed at the consumers end. Ours is a smart meter, it sends how much electricity we use back to the utility for computer billing monthly, it also shows if power is on via the fact it isn't sending a signal back down the power line. An aid to fault finding for the utility.

But the main idea is during peak time usage, items like fridges, freezers, A/C units can be cycled, to allow the utility to continue supplying power during heavy peak times, preventing an outage due to overload.

I suppose you could also look into the sinister side of being controlled via your electric utility...

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Re post # 37.

I wondered if they needed a grid connection, now I know they do. I remember that on a tour round Hinkley Point nuclear power station, the bloke explained that in the case of total grid shutdown, that the black start power stations would be used to provide sync for other 'non' black start stations & the France - England DC interconnector to come back online. I asked which stations were black start? he said "it's a state secret." Very interesting day that was..

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How can they afford all the fancy tattoos.


Really pee's me off! We only have my partners low wage and my tax credits (barely anything) and we get a whole £2 off our rent ... And 0.4% off our council tax! Yet my partner works bloomin hard for minimum wage, they do naff all for society, yet they get everything for FREE, I really don't get it. They pop kids out here , there and every where, yet afford new clothes, Tattoo's etc. And I'm sat here in last winter's jumper and jeans while my daughter sits in brand new clothes. What upsets me more? When chavvy mums (i know a few!) Go on social networking and post updates and photos of them out every weekend - literally - what new clothes they have just bought again, some buy second hand clothes for their children yet a couple sit and boast how their children only wear brand name things, how a top cost £30 and their jeans almost £50 & their children are toddlers. And there's hard working parents like us buying their children's clothes from george, tesco and only next etc when we've saved up. There is no morals in this country, what happened to working for a living!? Sorry, a couple of posts touched a nerve... Could you tell?

Anyone else watch benefits Britain about people living off 1945's benefit systems and some moaning because they refuse to get off their back ends and work!

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The theory is Pixie, if you dumb people down, ie lower education standards to where people are illiterate or semi literate at the most, talking here of the "unwashed masses", encourage them to be dependent on government for food and a roof over their heads, you can control them...

Sounds like a theory, but in reality the proof is out there around all of us..

The most dangerous people to governments, are those that can read and write fluently and have morals.

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I once had a stall for one evening on Arnold Market.

We had lots of clothes including Gap, Next, Burtons, Levi, Marks, Ted Baker, Mantary etc.

We were only asking a couple of quid per item. Some T shirts only £1 or 50p, but sold virtually nothing.

Two dollops wouldn't buy decent clothes for a quid, but both had packets of 20 fags in one hand and a massive £2.50 cheeseburger in the other. That would have bought loads of clothes.

Never again.

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Steve, I'd never heard of "black power" or how it works, I was aware power stations when not "steamed up" had to "import power" to keep the turbine/alternator sets turning slowly to prevent "shaft sag" a condition that would turn the huge machines into scrap metal...

They also need to keep them turning slowly to prevent journal damage, as heavy machines don't use conventional ball, or roller bearings but highly machined journals/white metal and high pressure lubricating oil.

At a guess, and I'd imagine a transmission engineers nightmare, if the grid collapsed, bringing it back on line would be a logistic nightmare, all main substations would have to be isolated, all medium tensions subs opened, before any power station could be "closed" onto line to prevent an overload.

Most district substations are automatic, and in the event of a trip, other than a fault, would close back on line, something you wouldn't want while trying to bring all power stations back onto line.

Each station would need synchronizing to the main grid frequency, which is these days done automatically via computer technology, in the old days was done with a couple of lightbulbs!!!! Well it did work!!

I wonder what they mean by "black power" I might do some research on that one.

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Ayupmeducks! Wow! I am glad that someone sees it the same as I do. I invite lots of admonishment for saying this. Socialism is about controlling the masses. And I'm afraid that this present government is socialist in all but name.

And I am one those dangerous people that you mention. A lot of my generation are. That is why they wanted rid of Grammar Schools.

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My wife runs a real estate agency, plus does rental management too...It often amuses me what renters leave behind..Shows just where their priorities really are.

Clothes, most of their kids toys, TV's, some pretty new, DVD's, DVD players, computers, blankets, towels sheets, curtains, photo printers...

I kid you not, most of my clothes come from what renters leave behind!! Some still have the shop labels on them!!

We had a contract a few years back to clear out a house, the deceased's Son had been in there and took what he wanted, which left us to "trash out" the house.

We found dozens of brand new towels NEVER used, and I mean DOZENS!!! Silver coins, real 99.9% silver! Mens clothes, NEW, all my size too, TV set, I repaired and found by the plastic injection moulding dates to be less than 3 months old! Been zapped by lightning, but cost me just a couple of bucks in parts and my short time diagnosing the fault.

There were also things just too numerous to mention here.

We got the contract to "trash out" a repo house some years back....Power tools beyond belief, very expensive womens clothes by the plastic bag!

I often shake my head in disbelief at what people leave behind...

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I hate to say this, but the generation that is now 60 years to 80 years of age were the last well educated generation passed out by government schools.

Read what Universities say about new entrants......They ALL have to have a years remedial study in English, Maths etc before they can go on to main classes, EXCEPT, those who were home schooled......

Ironically, the Church was the organisation that started the masses on the road to literacy, via the Church schools. Their aim was to have people reading the Bible..

Now we have Christianity being banned..

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That is nothing new. My Dad used to be repairs manager of a well known local housing trust in the 80s. He used to phone me and tell me to get my ass to where someone had moved out. I built up a lovely collection of tools. And display cabinets - only the best. But it was what they took not left behind. One guy in St. Anne's took the entire pipework for the district heating as well as the tanks and the kitchen units.

My son has to rent his house (on a housing estate) in Nottingham while he is working somewhere else. Some of his tenants clear off and leave a months food in the cupboards, as well as quality furniture.

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Is this to eliminate the word 'LIKE' from every sentence they speak?

When I was ten I knew most of the capital cities of most countries and even the units of currency. I knew the mountain ranges and the names of all of the oceans. Kids leaving secondary school know zilch. Even when they go abroad, they only sit all the time by the pool. Imagine going to Egypt and not looking around the Pyramids.

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Yep, furniture, canned food etc, we even have a fridge/freezer form one home we "trashed out", plus new washer and drier.

Books?? by the truckload, many I have kept,

Here's what I found about "Black start up" Power, never heard it called that before, but similar to what I posted earlier.

A black start is the process of restoring a power station to operation without relying on the external electric power transmission network.[1]

Toronto during the Northeast Blackout of 2003, an event which required black-starting of generating stations.

Normally, the electric power used within the plant is provided from the station's own generators. If all of the plant’s main generators are shut down, station service power is provided by drawing power from the grid through the plant’s transmission line. However, during a wide-area outage, off-site power supply from the grid will not be available. In the absence of grid power, a so-called black start needs to be performed to bootstrap the power grid into operation.

To provide a black start, some power stations have small diesel generators which can be used to start larger generators (of several megawatts capacity), which in turn can be used to start the main power station generators. Generating plants using steam turbines require station service power of up to 10% of their capacity for boiler feedwater pumps, boiler forced-draft combustion air blowers, and for fuel preparation. It is uneconomical to provide such a large standby capacity at each station, so black-start power must be provided over designated tie lines from another station. Often hydroelectric power plants are designated as the black-start sources to restore network interconnections. A hydroelectric station needs very little initial power to start (just enough to open the intake gates and the excitation of the generator field coils), and can put a large block of power on line very quickly to allow start-up of fossil-fueled or nuclear stations. Certain types of combustion turbine can be configured for black start, providing another option in places without suitable hydroelectric plants. [2]

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You only have to watch quiz programmes on TV to realise what an uneducated bunch of t**ts we have following us.

I once worked in an area dispatching vital telecomms equipment to Blue Chip companies, Government Departments, hospitals, M o D establishments etc. You would never believe some of the addresses and post codes that were on the delivery notes.

I'm amazed some of the parcels ever reached the correct address. Yet when questioned, the young girls in the office thought I was being nit picky , they were clueless how imperative correctness was.

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