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:victory: Fat Tuesday.

:victory: Mardi Gras.

:victory: Martes Carnival.

:victory: Fastnacht. [DE]

!rulez! It's pancake day folks, Shrove Tuesday, alas not this year for me. It's not because i can't make them because i can, it's not the same anymore. My wife Angie use to make them for me just the way i liked them about eight inch across and not to thick, i would squeeze fresh orange juice over them and sprinkle liberally with sugar, yum!

About six to eight would be enough to suffice until next year...... hungry

What do you have on your's?????????????????????????

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Maple Syrup & Banana yummo!!! Not just pancake day either , we have them often, usually for brekkie.

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poor fing they make you fat anyway,better that you missed it hungry

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mick2me Posted on Mar 1 2006, 11:20 AM

  I dint Gerenee!

:Friends: All after me haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

:Friends: Well Caz you mybe right there. My weight has fluctuated over the years and at one time i thought i was going through the male menopause, middle age spread.. [ thank goodness for me spell checker, you just can't trust this sites one.] anyway, i was putting on weight some time ago but over the last six months i've dropped a stone and at the present i'm holding me own, so to speak. When i was in my teens and early twenties i was a slat of a lad, but shortly after i got married i piled it on, i think they call it contentment, i call it being greedy..... In my late thirty's i started weight lifting, to give it it's proper name Body Building, which if you do it right puts on weight, and i did about three stone of good firm muscle, i bet you remember the pics i posted on here of me when i had something to show off, alas not so today, it's all gone southward.... But for a fifty eight year old this year i think i'm not doing to bad. Looking around at people about my age and younger i've still got a good body IMO. [ considering the amount of beer i put away] and the non excercise regime i follow now..... isitsafe

Another little piece of myself...

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