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It's good to see that St. Mary's Church, in the Lace Market, has been granted £22,000 from the Heritage Lottery. It's a beautiful church dating back to 1377. Below is a report from the Nottingham Post.

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Indeed basfordlad. C of E is not only one of the richest, but also unscrupulous too. Up north here we have had some protests about C 0f E Estates flogging off land for redevelopment which was close to a Roman fort (On private land but now under heritage laws as its a national treasure) The C of E came out with the usual stuff but in essence they were going to sell off land so that a housing estate would surround the roman dig. They can't touch the dig but they can isolate it.

I've known C of E estates stop access to places unless an exorbitant cost was paid for a simple access road only a few metres from a main road.

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Not just the C of E, here in West Oz the roman catholic church was given by the government of the day, huge tracts of coastal land that was in the 60's considered rubbish land, due to large limestone deposits.

About 10 years ago, it was realised by prudent developers that this ocean side land could, by landscaping and a little pre preparation be sold as prime building land.

They rip out the limestone (which is also sold to be used for retianing walls, road base and even down to land fill) then import some reasonable topsoil, usually around 600mm, then each block sells anywhere from $300k to $700k ! bear in mind they were given hundreds of acres of this "rubbish" land.

The RC church already one of the richest organisations worldwide has made an absolute fortune from it now, and they are still doing it to this day !

Not one iota has gone back to the government apart from federal taxes, which they willingly pay due to the huge profits they are turning.

It's a disgrace !

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