Missed a bonanza!

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Rats c*cks! Just been speaking to a lady who has cleared out a house belonging to an old man who hoarded stuff. She took the stuff to a local car boot sale last weekend and sold the lot; much of which would have been nice to have in my museum of 20th century tat :( I have been invited to go out to the house at a place called Armadale, about 35 miles along the far north coast, to pick up a free Akai mini-system and take a look around to see if there is anything left that I might wish to buy. I'm off out there this afternoon with fingers crossed.

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Why thank you Mr Fynger. Adam, Little Joe, Ben and Hoss.

Went out to the lady's house and bought a batch of 65 penguin paperbacks for £15. There are some good books amongst them, including a 1960 'complete and unabridged' Lady Chatterly's Lover. (Current value £10)

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Compo, your experience reminds me of something similar that happened to a friend of mine, Bill, who lives in Culver City, near Los Angeles. He is a big aviation enthusiast and not short of money. He read where a chap had died, and remembered that he had an old aeroplane stored away at where he lived. It was a either a one-off or the only one still in existence. Bill worked for American Airlines and so got free travel. He got on a plane and flew up to somewhere in the northern part of the country and then hired a car and drove to some remote place where the man had lived. He knocked on the door and the man's widow answered. He told her who he was and that would she be interested in selling him the aeroplane. The woman replied 'What that! he thought more of that than he did of me, so I burned it'.

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