Recommended Posts]P1050781.jpg[/url]]P1050782.jpg[/url]]P1050783.jpg[/url]


Thought I would have a go with this "Postimage" thingy,these postcards were sent to my Grandmother from My Grandfather when he was in the trenches around Ypres during the first world war,

My Grandfather was in a "Bantam" regiment(men who were shorter than regulation height) that was formed in Nottingham,When he returned home to "A land fit for heroes" he was shattered to find there was no jobs,very little food and no help,he threw his medals down the street in disgust,funny how the politicians and powers that be of this great country of ours still treats returning soldiers in a similar way,thank heavens for the general public of this great country who give these returning troops the welcome and support they deserve.



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edited the previous post because the pic dint come through,hope these have



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I think a lot of the "Bantams" were ex miners and were used for tunnelling duties under German trenches,tough little buggers



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