How to kill an SL65 Satallite receiver (a cautionary tale)

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You might not be technically minded here but I think you will get the idea.

Well I bought this box a couple of years ago, and have been in discussion on the Uk Sat boards about a patch to unscramble channels,

Nothing was forthcoming?.

Just before Christmas, I picked up an SL65/12volt receiver and dish kit from Maplins for £39.95, a bargain, Christmas present for our girl, she can dish the small dish,and run it off the Double LND of the mains SL65.

Reading elswhere, I discovered it may be possible to flash the chip on the 12 volt SL65 and receive more stuff Great!

What about the original SL65, perhaps its the same chip?

To identify the chip, carefully peel off the heatsink with your fingernail they said!

Ok case lid off the old SL65, whats this? a 20 pin JTAG,

hey i'm getting to know the terms now?

That looks like it. a big silver heat sink, broke a couple of nails trying to get it off.

Perhaps a touch with the screwdriver?...

Easy does it.

Eh! what was that noise? a bit like someone pulling hair out of the back of your head with a pair of pliers!


Lets plug it in see what happens. No picture and a pop pop coming out of the speakers? Can't be right that? Ooo Err!

Looks like a dead un to me?

Right lets get that chip off and see what WAS on it? The whole lot came away quite easily in one piece. Getting the chip off the heatsink or vice versa, almost impossible even with hammer and screwdriver!

Anyway the results can be seen here, look away now if you have weak stomach!


















Now tell me the chip was flashable! or I had removed the wrong heatsink!

How do you plead? Guilty yer honor!

Paperweight anyone?

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Don't yer love technology. LOL

Why didn't you just ask on the satellite forum Mick?? I'm sure someone would have told you what chip it had without you wrecking the new receiver. Daaahhhhh. !laughing!

I just pull the memory card and put it in my card reader/writer and load in the latest bin file. Watched a couple of "PPV" movies last night. Oh how I love my FTA receiver. !laughing!

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At least you've still got the dish !rotfl!

Its not a dish anymore, It's a Wok!

And I did get the fingernail tip from the Sat Forums.

Maybe Comag have read the sat forums and decided to fix their heatsinks with stronger glue?

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Never tried to remove a heat sink Mick, so can't comment on the adhesive used.

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If yer wont boggerin abaht tryin ta get owt fer nowt ya wunta bost it wuddya!

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