Who's Got It?

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What I'd like to know is, what happened to that massive plastic ice-cream cone that stood outside on the pavement on Radford road ? :huh:

it had been around for years and now it's gone!.. somebody must have it and they need to own up!

somehow, you just can't seem to get a good ice-cream down there nowadays..

pellet guns, and knacked wash machines - yes! .. ice creams - no! :o

so whoever's got it! .. put it back! :angry:


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ilkolad Posted on Feb 21 2005, 09:45 AM

  What I'd like to know is, what happened to that massive plastic ice-cream cone that stood outside on the pavement on Radford road ? 

:rolleyes: Sorry ilko don't recall it... but have a word with Mick it looks from the pic he might know who's alf inched it.......... :ph34r:


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What I'd like to know is, what happened to that massive plastic ice-cream cone?

whoever's got it! .. put it back! :angry:


Tutanic is keeping very quiet about all this!

you wouldn't happen to know where it may have gone to by any chance ? ...

:huh: would you ?? .. :huh:



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All I am going to say on the subject....Look on the promanade of a very well known holiday resort....you never know what you might find.

If you do go looking make sure you have the correct code of dress, a knotted hanky and trousers rolled up to the knees, don't forget the socks with the sandals!!!

See you there.

A B)

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if anybody thinks I'm getting dressed up just to go there , they can think again!

it'll be donkey jacket, welloes, wheelbarrow, and straight in - grab the cone and straight out! :o

but if the missus wants to wear the 'kerchief then she can, but the last time I saw it it wain't looking too healthy, so I'll leave that decision up to her! ;)


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Get Smithylass on here she will know where it is,she's into searching & delving aren't you sis??


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  • 2 months later...

:ph34r: Asked a few questions but did't get many answers. It seems someone knows but they are not divulging how or who put it their.

:blink: One thing that i did learn, They had to elevate it out of the reach of the sticky fingered lot.


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  • 2 months later...

Vampire This is a BUMP Vampire

Kiss Certain members were very concerned to the whereabouts of the plastic cone "see posting above" so when i found it i was expecting some enthusiasm to the fact that i had tracked it down to Ingoldmells. Alas there has been none so i have come to the conclusion that i have wasted my time taking the picture.

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All picture ase interesting Den. Topics are set never to expire therefore.

Someone may tell us the answer in a couple of years.

Visitors are browsing these forums all the time


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Friends sorry mick you might be able to wait a couple of years but i think that amount of time period is unreasonable. No one needs to tell us, it's their in glorious colour i found it..A thank you wouldn't go a miss from those that had asked the question in the first place tease

crazy WHO's GOT IT ?

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Thank you for finding this that was lost. Me thinks they have been multiplying 'cause I have found another one which I will post when I have scanned it to a level that is acceptable to you.

I think the one I have was on Mablethorpe promenade, near the cafes and ice cream shops.

A crazy crazy

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Friends Your thank you has been noted Tuts and i thank you. Friends

Friends Regarding of the said cones multiplying i must agree with you, if only i was so fertile... Kiss

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Having had four kids in four years, I don't know what you mean!

We relented in the end and aquired a television, we decided it was cheaper than buying a bigger house.

Say no more!!

A Friends

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Gordon Bennett Ann, you didnt stop for breath did you?? 4 kids in 4 years is going for it,how many kids do you have now??

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Groucho Marx 1890-1977

Groucho Marx did a radio interview with a housewife on who said she had seven children.

Groucho said, "Seven? That many?"

She blushed, and said, "Well, I love my husband."

Groucho came back with, "I love my cigar, too, but I take it out once in a while."

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That made me laugh, Mick, the inuendo in his humour was fantastic.

As for how many kids do I have, it is still four, we found out what made them and stopped it, problem solved ! ! !

We decided to have the problem sorted out more permanently, this had to be undertaken twice... Something akin to a double barreled shotgun. It appears this is a one in one thousand occurance. I got the original '2 for the price of 1'

I love him to bits and wouldn't change him for the world, same goes for my kids. The youngest is now 32 and 6ft 7in and the eldest is 37 and artistic. The boy and girl in between are brilliant. When they are all together in my kitchen I just sit down as there is no room to move. My kitchen is 12 ft square so you can imagine.

Thinking about it, I had my daughter at the third attempt, I would have carried on until I had what I wanted, she looks like a bit dropped off when she is with the boys but pound for pound she keeps them under control.

Families are fantastic, especially Grandchildren.

Ann Kiss Kiss Kiss

I do go on ! ! !

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  • 2 weeks later...
When they are all together in my kitchen I just sit down as there is no room to move. My kitchen is 12 ft square so you can imagine.

Ann Kiss Kiss Kiss

I do go on ! ! !

what we want is a few more warm nights, prawns on a stick and plenty of cashew nuts! - wot u reckon? ;)

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Very much so!!!

Prawns are fantastic when you barbee them on stix. I like ribs done the same way, I think I have still got some of them in the freezer, I must have a recky to the bottom and find the eskimo I am sure I had.

Thinking about it, I may have enough stuff to work up a lather on the barbee, I shall see what I can find.

My mouth is watering....

A crazy crazy

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Friends If you do find the innuit, [eskimo] "bring back the spell checker. are we all invited to the Barbee. Don't make it this weekend it's porring down here.. crazy

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It's doing much the same here. It won't be this weekend, I have to break out the George Forman as well. I need to organise the moles so they don't dig up the garden yet again.

Does anybody have a sure fire way of stopping them taking a fancy to my garden?? I don't want to kill them 'cause that is not good, I normally put a great big windmill in the ground and that frightens them off. Our garden backs on to fields and a pond so I have to take in to consideration the fact that the wildlife were here first. I also have a family of Shrews residing under the shed, they are fascinating things with long pointed noses, nothing like mice or rats to look at.

If I find this Inuit, I will ask him if he has the spell checker or the browser, but I don't hold out much hope.

A Kiss

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