Lovely Pain and Agony!

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Here`s one to try to get the ladies going!

We have a large number of lady members,but not a high contribution rate.

There was a raging argument across radio and all TV channels about some Nottingham University man midwife (Denis Walsh) advocating NO pain relief in labour:

'Good for women to endure pain of labour,' says professor

Monday, July 13, 2009, 06:00

Click here to read their views.

MORE women should endure the pain of labour to avoid serious medical risks associated with pain-relieving drugs, a University of Nottingham associate professor in midwifery has claimed.

Dr Denis Walsh says the "epidemic" use of drugs – such as epidural injections – also diminish childbirth as a rite of passage and undermine the mother's bond with her child.

Speaking to a national Sunday newspaper, Dr Walsh said: "A large number of women want to avoid pain. Some just don't fancy the pain (of childbirth). More women should be prepared to withstand pain. Pain in labour is a purposeful, useful thing, which has quite a number of benefits, such as preparing a mother for the responsibility of nurturing a newborn baby.

To start the ball rolling here is my note to the NEP>

Dr' Denis Walsh (PhD-Clip Board-Carrying,Paper Towel patterns?) What a humbug this MAN is. Labour is unpleasant,painful,and everything should be attempted to make this procedure as pleasant for the motheras possible. Only she knows how much pain(and the duration) she can tolerate.This is 2009 `Dr' Walsh should stick to `normal deliveries ' and allow mother`s to CHOOSE.

Sally Russell, co-founder of the Netmums website, said Dr Walsh was talking "absolute rubbish".

She added: "What he is promoting suggests that women who can't go through normal childbirth for whatever reason find they are stigmatised and made to feel they have let themselves down because there's so much pressure to have a normal birth, and that's very damaging."

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OK, I'll "bite"

After having 4 children, (and 3 labours) I have to say I did not feel "let down" because I HAD to have an epidural for the birth of my twins... in fact when it came to the time for the birth of my last child I was BEGGING for an epidural :)

My only natural birth was my eldest, and I dont feel any different to him because I had him naturally

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This topic was discussed on the Write Stuff yesterday and I still don’t get it.

Would it be like the pain and despair that I feel when walking into a new pub to see nothing but Green King brews on tap……that hurts..lmso.


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