Fiends Reunited

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Just heard that ITV have paid 120 million quid for FR. Wonder how that will affect the subscription fees, bet they go up ........anyone want to have a bet on it? ha ha thought not!!


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Hi you! bighug

The only reply I ever had was for my sister, and she doesn't own a PC so that made it expensive.

I think I also received a mail from a young lady that lived down the street from me and went to school with my kids so that made me feel about 110 years old. Still I suppose I wouldn't have known how her mum was getting on if I hadn't joined.

I much prefer this site anyway, you get a better class of 'nutters' on here...

A ;)

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;) Thanks ilko i'm feeling a little better, more or less everything is sorted now, just the Vic to see tomorrow at four.. abouttime

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